Three Types of Cell Junctions von Georgina Cornwall, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Three Types of Cell Junctions“ von Georgina Cornwall, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Cellular Structure“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Tight junctions
  2. Desmosomes
  3. Hemidesmosomes
  4. Gap junctions
  5. Aquaporins
  1. Gluten intolerance is an example of a bacterial disease caused by dysfunctional desmosomal and communicating junctions.
  2. Desmosomes are strong intercellular adhesive junctions between two neighboring cells giving mechanical strength to tissues.
  3. A breach in the integrity of tight junctions in the gastrointestinal tract by proteins can cause increased intestinal permeability.
  4. Hemidesmosomes are small, rivet-like structures that link the keratinocytes of the epidermis to the basement membrane.
  5. Cardiac gap junctions are essential for impulse conduction as they mediate the intercellular movement of electrolytes and small metabolites.

Dozent des Vortrages Three Types of Cell Junctions

 Georgina Cornwall, PhD

Georgina Cornwall, PhD

Dr. Georgina Cornwall is a Biology Instructor and currently works as an Instructional Designer in the private sector, developing interactive online training materials.
She obtained her PhD in Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology at the University of Colorado, USA, in 2000, and has since taught a broad array of biology courses at various US universities.
She is an active promoter of hybrid/online teaching formats and interactive courses, and has received several awards for her engaging and innovative course design; e.g., she was named Adjunct Faculty of the Year at Colorado Mountain College in Aspen twice.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Cornwall teaches courses on Biology & Genetics.


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Very good!
von Stephanie W. am 17. Juli 2021 für Three Types of Cell Junctions

Very good lecture! Interesting clinical correlation (celiac disease). Thank you!

Gap Junction/Tight Junctions/Desmosomes/Hemidesmosomes
von Shashank R. am 20. Dezember 2020 für Three Types of Cell Junctions

Awesome overview! Thank you! Particularly liked the gluten example. Also graphics were good - will stick in my brain longer.