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Stress, Trauma and Pain in Brain and Body Neurobiology for Trauma- and Brainspotting Therapists

Von Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte

Neurobiology for Trauma- and Brainspotting Therapists

Our thinking is based on the concept that consciousness and its contents are functions of the brain. We have evidence that emotions are expressed by our bodies, and we feel it. Also, we know that trauma literally reshapes body and brain.

What does all this mean for the psychotherapy? Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte brings together startling evidence from neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry to present new insights into how the brain works and what happens in stress, trauma, and pain in body and brain.

He describes the essential role of the limbic system and how changing processes in therapy can be described on a brain level.

*Course is excluded from discount offers.


play symbol The Brain – A Dynamic Complex System
play symbol The Brain – A Dynamic Complex System Part II
play symbol The Brain – A Dynamic Complex System Part III
play symbol The Brain – A Dynamic Complex System Part IV
play symbol Depression Study and Changing Processes in Psychotherapy
lecture locked Depression Study and Changing Processes in Psychotherapy II
lecture locked Homeostasis and Brain-Body Interaction
lecture locked The Human Being is a Social Being
lecture locked The First Limbic Level: Brainstem
lecture locked The First Limbic Level: Brainstem Part II
lecture locked The Polyvagal Theory
lecture locked The Polyvagal Theory Part II
lecture locked 1st (Limbic) Level: Diencephalon
lecture locked 4th (Non-Limbic) Level: Telecephalon
lecture locked 2nd (Limbic) Level: Areas of Emotional Conditioning Processes (Amygdala, Hippocampus, Mesolimbic System, Basal Ganglia, Thalamus)
lecture locked 3rd (Limbic) Level: Limbic Cortex (ACC, OFC, vmPFC, Insula)
lecture locked 3rd (Limbic) Level: Limbic Cortex (ACC, OFC, vmPFC, Insula) Part II
lecture locked Short Summary, Colliculus Superior, Orienting Reaction, Hippocampus Atrophy
lecture locked Short Summary, Colliculus Superior, Orienting Reaction, Hippocampus Atrophy Part II
lecture locked The Limbic System, Consciousness and Unconsciousness
lecture locked Emotional Conditioning in Trauma
lecture locked Modulation of Emotional Conditioning in Amygdala
lecture locked 4th (Non-Limbic) Level: Isocortex and Neocortex
lecture locked 4th (Non-Limbic) Level: Isocortex and Neocortex Part II
lecture locked Non-Limbic Cortex vs. Limbic Cortex, Emotional Regulation
lecture locked Neurotransmitter and Neuromodulator
lecture locked Default Mode Network and Resting State
lecture locked Eye Movement and Multimodal Networks
lecture locked Basal Ganglia and Automatic Processes
lecture locked Basal Ganglia and Automatic Processes Part II
lecture locked Resting State and PTSD
lecture locked Stress and Stressreaction
lecture locked Stress and Stressreaction Part II
lecture locked Summery: Neurobiology of PTSD
lecture locked Interoception Pain and the Material „Me“
lecture locked Interoception Pain and the Material „Me“ Part II


  • Enthaltene Vorträge: 36
  • Laufzeit: 12:02 h
  • Enthaltene Lernmaterialien: 2

Dozenten des Kurses Stress, Trauma and Pain in Brain and Body Neurobiology for Trauma- and Brainspotting Therapists

Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte

Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte

Studium und Promotion absolviert Dr. Dr. del Monte zunächst im Fach Psychologie an den Universitäten Hannover und Köln. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen dabei in den Bereichen Psychotraumatologie und Lernforschung und finden am Institut für Klinische Psychologie der Universität zu Köln bei Prof. Gottfried Fischer ihre Umsetzung. Neben der wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit erfolgen Ausbildungen in psycho- und körpertherapeutischen Verfahren (kausale Psychotherapie nach Fischer, MPTT, EMDR, Brainspotting, Sporttherapie), sowie Spezialisierungen in der Psychotrauma- und Schmerztherapie.

Es folgt ein Studium der Medizin-Wissenschaft an der Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität Salzburg. Dr. Dr. del Monte ist als Wissenschaftler am Institut für Synergetik und Psychotherapieforschung der PMU Salzburg (Leitung Prof. Schiepek) im Bereich Neurowissenschaftliche Forschung tätig. Als Dozent für Funktionelle Neuroanatomie bekleidet er Lehraufträge an verschiedenen Universitäten in Deutschland und Österreich. Sowohl für die "Funktionelle Neuroanatomie" wie auch für die "Grundlagen der Medizin" entwickelt Dr. Dr. del Monte eigene Lehrkonzeptionen und Visualisierungen. Mehr Information hierzu finden Sie auf der Seite "Hirnwelten" von Damir del Monte | www.damirdelmonte.de.


4,9 von 5 Sternen
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1  Stern
von deleted u. am 04. Januar 2018 für Stress, Trauma and Pain in Brain and Body Neurobiology for Trauma- and Brainspotting Therapists

I wasn't able to go to that seminar in Amsterdam but heard it was interesting so i bought this course. Dr. Del Monte is a fantastic speaker. Clear and simple

"World Class" presentations by Dr Damir del Monte
von Hermann L. am 18. September 2017 für Stress, Trauma and Pain in Brain and Body Neurobiology for Trauma- and Brainspotting Therapists

Dr Damir del Monte's videos on Neurobiology is considered to be of world class. He truly has the gift of presenting, keeping his audience captured. I can very strongly recommend these videos by Dr del Monte for any student / practitioner who directly or indirectly works with the brain and who needs a deeper insight into Neurobiology. As a psychologist working with Brainspotting (developed by Dr David Grand), I consider Dr del Monte's videos a must see to understand the deeper intricacies of the functioning of the brain and in particular the Neurophysiology behind this amazing discovery by Dr Mark Grand. Very highly recommended.

Excellent performance and a must have for every therapist,coach or other professional who works in the field of trauma
von MarieJose B. am 20. August 2017 für Stress, Trauma and Pain in Brain and Body Neurobiology for Trauma- and Brainspotting Therapists

Dear reader, you will have to excuse me that I write in English and not in German. Dr.Damir del Monte held an excellent and extremly useful performance on the subject.He and his team are operating on a highly professional level : not only is the content of this seminar extremly useful in our every day practice. The way Dr.Damir del Monte and his team operate is of high quality and high attunement. It is a must have for every therapist as the content is evidence based and yet easy to integrate into our profession.We will organize another seminar this year as the last one was such a success. Marie-Jose Boon International Trainer BIT and organizer of Brainspotting The Netherlands

Neurobiologie auf höchstem Niveau mit Dr. Damir del Montes Gehirnwelten
von Lisa T. am 14. August 2017 für Stress, Trauma and Pain in Brain and Body Neurobiology for Trauma- and Brainspotting Therapists

Hervorragender kompetenter Vortragender Dr. Damir del Monte, der eine Kapazität in der europäischen wie weltweiten Gehirnforschung ist. Der Vortrag unterstützt durch englische Übersetzung, ermöglicht auch einem größeren Publikum in den Genuss des State of the Art Wissens zu gelangen. Dr. del Monte versteht es die Komplexität des Gebiets didaktisch herausragend zu präsentieren und gleichzeitig die nötige Demut vor dem Umfang mit zu transportieren. Empfehlenswert für MedizinerInnen, PsychotherapeutInnen und PsychologInnen, die sich im traumatherapeutischen Bereich, das neurobiologische Rüstzeug dafür holen möchten. Der in einzelne Abschnitte gegliederte Vortrag, ermöglicht auch immer wieder für persönliche Interessensgebiete die nötige Wiederholung individuell zu gestalten. Selbst wenn man keine Brainspotting Ausbildung vorweist, ist dieser Vortrag hervorragend geeignet zum Thema, Stress, Trauma und Schmerz Grundlagen in der Funktionsweise unseres Gehirn zu erhalten.