Muscles of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal von Craig Canby, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Muscles of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal“ von Craig Canby, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Abdominal Wall with Dr. Canby“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. T7–L1
  2. T7–T12
  3. T6–T10
  4. T8–L2
  5. T8–L3
  1. Compression of the abdominal contents
  2. Rotation of the abdominal wall to the same side
  3. Extension of the vertebral column
  4. Rotation to the opposite side
  1. Outer surface of ribs 5–12
  2. Outer surface of ribs 6–12
  3. Outer surface of ribs 7–12
  4. Outer surface of ribs 2–7
  5. Outer surface of ribs 8–12
  1. Transversus abdominis
  2. External abdominal oblique
  3. Internal abdominal oblique
  4. Latissimus dorsi
  5. Trapezius muscle
  1. Aponeurosis of 3 flat abdominal muscles
  2. Aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle
  3. Aponeurosis of the internal oblique muscle
  4. Aponeurosis of 2 flat muscles
  5. Aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis
  1. Anterior rami of the 12th thoracic spinal nerve
  2. Anterior rami of the 9th thoracic spinal nerve
  3. Anterior rami of the 10th thoracic spinal nerve
  4. Anterior rami of the 7th thoracic spinal nerve
  5. Anterior rami of the 8th thoracic spinal nerve
  1. Internal oblique muscle
  2. External oblique muscle
  3. Pyramidalis muscle
  4. Rectus muscle
  5. External oblique and internal oblique muscles
  1. It is the termination of the posterior end of the rectus sheath.
  2. It is the termination of the anterior end of the rectus sheath.
  3. It is the termination of the lateral end of the rectus sheath.
  4. It is the termination point of the external oblique muscle.
  5. It is the termination of the internal oblique aponeurosis.

Dozent des Vortrages Muscles of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

Dr. Craig Canby is a Professor of Anatomy and the Associate Dean for Academic Curriculum and Medical Programs at the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Des Moines University, Iowa, USA.
He obtained his PhD in Anatomy at the University of Iowa.
For his achievements in teaching and research, he received various awards such as the DPT Class of 2008 Teaching Excellence Award and the prestigious Hancher-Finkbine Medallion.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Canby teaches courses on Anatomy.


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Not the greatest
von Nicholas W. am 21. Juni 2019 für Muscles of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal

This man is obviously very smart but it is seriously painful to listen to ANY of his lectures. His stuttering is way to distracting.

nice review
von Teresa J. am 06. Januar 2019 für Muscles of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal

All the necessary informations, briefly and easy to understand, nice as a review

von RAMJIE L. am 18. Januar 2018 für Muscles of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal

It's too boring.. I found it less interactive, less interesting. Better to read my Gray's Anatomy book.

Well explained
von Darlene G. am 05. Juli 2017 für Muscles of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall – Abdominal Walls and Inguinal Canal

Used this to study for class and regular exams. Perfect.