Gene Expression Control – Metabolic Control of Enzyme Activity von Kevin Ahern, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Gene Expression Control – Metabolic Control of Enzyme Activity“ von Kevin Ahern, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Metabolic Control“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Nucleotide
  2. Transcriptional
  3. RNA stability
  4. Translational
  1. HIF-1
  2. HIF-2
  3. GLUT1
  4. GLUT2
  5. Two transcription factors, called GLUT1 and GLUT3.
  1. The HIF-1 factor helps the cell to combat toxic conditions that originated due to higher oxygen levels.
  2. Under hypoxia conditions, the regular cells, as well as cancer cells, synthesize the transcription factor called HIF-1.
  3. HIF-1 factor favors elevated levels of expression of the seven enzymes of the glycolysis pathway during hypoxia condition.
  4. HIF-1 factor binds to the particular class of genes in the DNA which helps in the survival of cells at low oxygen concentrations.
  5. The transcription factor HIF-1 helps in the movement of glucose to the interior of the cell by favoring the formation of GLUT1 and GLUT3 proteins.
  1. Controlling the process of transcription and hence synthesis of specific mRNA and protein molecules.
  2. Controlling the permeabilities of the cell membrane and mitochondrial membrane for water.
  3. Controlling the fluidity of cell membrane by regulating ion movement.
  4. Controlling the amounts of energy in the form of ATP and GTP.
  5. Controlling the amounts of rRNA and tRNA to regulate.

Dozent des Vortrages Gene Expression Control – Metabolic Control of Enzyme Activity

 Kevin Ahern, PhD

Kevin Ahern, PhD

Dr. Kevin Ahern is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University (OSU), USA.
He obtained his PhD in Biochemistry from Oregon State University. Currently, he teaches courses for health sciences students at OSU.
He is co-author of three Open Educational electronic textbooks on Biochemistry and a Guide to Getting Into Medical School.
Due to his achievements, he earned OSU’s highest teaching recognition, the Elizabeth P. Ritchie Distinguished Professor Award in 2017.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Ahern teaches courses on Biochemistry and on "How to Get into Medical School”.


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