Four Levels of Organization von Georgina Cornwall, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Four Levels of Organization “ von Georgina Cornwall, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „The Macromolecules of Life“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Changes in ion concentration
  2. Changes in pH
  3. Changes in temperature
  4. A stable environment
  5. Chaperones
  1. Quinary structure – association between the –R and carboxyl groups of different amino acids
  2. Primary structure – sequence of amino acids joined via peptide bonds
  3. Tertiary structure – associations between the –R groups of various amino acids in a peptide chain
  4. Quaternary structure – association of different peptide chains
  5. Secondary structure – hydrogen bonds between the carboxyl and amino groups of different amino acids
  1. The wavy sheet-like appearance due to the linking of two or more beta sheets via hydrogen bonding
  2. The wavy sheet-like appearance due to the linking of two or more alpha-helices via disulfide bonds
  3. The wavy sheet-like appearance due to hydrophobic interactions between two or more beta sheets
  4. The wavy sheet-like appearance due to hydrophobic interactions between two or more alpha-helices
  5. The wavy sheet-like appearance due to the linking of two or more beta strands via ionic bonds
  1. When the four subunits of hemoglobin come together, they form a tertiary structure.
  2. The tertiary structure of proteins involves the associations between the –R groups of amino acids.
  3. –R groups determine the shape of an amino acid chain folding into its protein.
  4. Disulfide bridges, ionic interactions, and hydrophobic interactions play a significant role in stabilizing the tertiary structure of proteins.
  5. The tertiary structure of proteins may involve repetitive patterns of motifs or domains.
  1. A complex of two or more polypeptide chains held together by noncovalent forces
  2. A complex of two or more amino acids held together by covalent bonds
  3. A complex of two or more amino acids held together by noncovalent bonds
  4. A complex of two or more polypeptide chains held together by covalent bonds
  5. A complex of two or more polysaccharide chains held together by covalent bonds

Dozent des Vortrages Four Levels of Organization

 Georgina Cornwall, PhD

Georgina Cornwall, PhD

Dr. Georgina Cornwall is a Biology Instructor and currently works as an Instructional Designer in the private sector, developing interactive online training materials.
She obtained her PhD in Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology at the University of Colorado, USA, in 2000, and has since taught a broad array of biology courses at various US universities.
She is an active promoter of hybrid/online teaching formats and interactive courses, and has received several awards for her engaging and innovative course design; e.g., she was named Adjunct Faculty of the Year at Colorado Mountain College in Aspen twice.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Cornwall teaches courses on Biology & Genetics.


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von Diana G. am 22. Oktober 2020 für Four Levels of Organization

I saw many times the video, take notes but I don't understand at all this video; think is some confusing :(

von Hesham G. am 21. Juli 2019 für Four Levels of Organization

amazing lecture, finally i understood the tertiary structure for the first time