Bilayer Composition – Biological Membranes von Kevin Ahern, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Bilayer Composition – Biological Membranes“ von Kevin Ahern, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Biochemistry: Basics“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. They have a polar head and a pair of polar tails.
  2. They contain fatty acids.
  3. They contain at least one phosphate.
  4. They contain glycerol.
  5. They have two non-polar tails.
  1. It contains one fatty acid.
  2. It contains glycerol.
  3. It does not contain phosphate.
  4. It is not found in membranes.
  5. Its polar head faces inward in the lipid bilayer.
  1. They mediate cellular signaling and the transport of materials.
  2. They are called integral if they have a fatty acid anchoring them.
  3. They are called peripheral if they project through both layers of the lipid bilayer.
  4. They have non-polar fatty acids preferentially on their exteriors.
  5. They are called associated if they only interact with the lipid bilayer.

Dozent des Vortrages Bilayer Composition – Biological Membranes

 Kevin Ahern, PhD

Kevin Ahern, PhD

Dr. Kevin Ahern is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University (OSU), USA.
He obtained his PhD in Biochemistry from Oregon State University. Currently, he teaches courses for health sciences students at OSU.
He is co-author of three Open Educational electronic textbooks on Biochemistry and a Guide to Getting Into Medical School.
Due to his achievements, he earned OSU’s highest teaching recognition, the Elizabeth P. Ritchie Distinguished Professor Award in 2017.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Ahern teaches courses on Biochemistry and on "How to Get into Medical School”.


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von Tasneem B. am 07. Oktober 2021 für Bilayer Composition – Biological Membranes

Dr. Ahern is a very good lecturer. He explains concepts very clearly.