Lyme Disease – Borreliella burgdorferi von Sean Elliott, MD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Lyme Disease – Borreliella burgdorferi“ von Sean Elliott, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Atypical Gram-staining Bacteria“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. 3–30 days after tick bite
  2. 3–30 weeks after tick bite
  3. 2–20 days after tick bite
  4. 2–20 weeks after tick bite
  5. 2–20 hours after tick bite
  1. Neurological disorders
  2. Migratory polyarthritis
  3. Cardiac dysfunction
  4. Severe fatigue and malaise
  5. Erythema chronicum migrans
  1. Atrioventricular block
  2. Cardiomegaly
  3. Mitral valve prolapse
  4. Aortic valve stenosis
  5. Endocarditis
  1. Cefuroxime
  2. Tetracycline
  3. Ciprofloxacin
  4. Doxycycline
  5. Gentamicin

Dozent des Vortrages Lyme Disease – Borreliella burgdorferi

 Sean Elliott, MD

Sean Elliott, MD

Dr. Sean Elliott is the Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and the Associate Chair for the Department of Pediatrics at The University of Arizona, USA.
He obtained his MD from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1993. Currently, he is Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist at the University of Arizona Medical Center.
He devotes time to Quality Improvement, graduate medical education efficacy and his scholarship with the Tucson Hospitals Medical Education Program (THMEP).
Within Lecturio, Dr. Elliott teaches courses on Microbiology.


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von Horeb A. am 01. Februar 2020 für Lyme Disease – Borreliella burgdorferi

Extremely informative and engaging. Amazing lecturer! Thank you! You make concepts so clear, and provide real-life scenarios for the diseases caused by the microbes. Humourous in some places, which makes the content easy to remember.