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Sexual Harassment and Bullying – Prevention

Von Lecturio Online Courses

Dieser Kurs ist nur für Mitglieder der Institution Experts verfügbar.

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Would you know how to react if you were suddenly confronted with bullying or sexual harassment? Ignoring these issues can lead to a toxic work environment and have serious psychological and physical consequences for victims and witnesses. Understanding and being able to act appropriately in such situations is therefore crucial. In this unit, you will deepen your understanding of these sensitive issues and develop skills to recognize, prevent, and combat them. You will also learn how to play a supportive role as a witness and what concrete actions you can take should you be affected yourself.


  • Enthaltene Vorträge: 2
  • Laufzeit: 0:17 h
  • Enthaltene Quizfragen: 12
  • Enthaltene Lernmaterialien: 2

Dozenten des Kurses Sexual Harassment and Bullying – Prevention

 Lecturio Online Courses

Lecturio Online Courses

Lecturio provides sustainable, simple and cost-efficient continuing education and training to companies and private customers. The e-learning catalogue consists of more than 7000 video-based courses covering over 80 topics. The focus is on compliance, leadership, project management, distribution, and medicine. Most of private customers use Lecturio in parallel to their studies and to prepare for their exams in medicine and law. Lecturio provides practical video-based online training—in German and English. Thousands of quiz questions help to measure and assess the learning success. Lecturio courses are available on all devices—and even offline with the iOS and Android app. Lecturio’s mission is to help companies and private customers to develop their full potential.


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