Legal writing von Tim Aghotor

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Legal writing“ von Tim Aghotor ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Legal English (EN)“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Why Is Writing Important?
  • What to Consider for Writing
  • More to Consider for Writing
  • Exercise for Legal Writing
  • Strategies for Effective Legal Writing
  • The Access to Justice
  • The Planning of Legal Writing
  • The Step of Writing
  • More about Paragraphing
  • Paragraphing Exercise
  • Summary

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Many documents that are used by lawyers are written documents.
  2. Writing enables one to communicate correctly through time.
  3. Anything properly written and stored away can be read in the future.
  4. A written document is also publishable which makes it available for a larger number of people.
  5. Writing minimizes mistakes when comprehending a case.
  1. The nation
  2. The proposing counsel
  3. The opposing counsel
  4. The claimant
  5. Your client
  1. The intent of the draft
  2. The salutation
  3. The subject title
  4. The body of the letter
  5. The complimentary close of the letter
  1. What type of clothes they can afford for the court appearance.
  2. How well you know the person.
  3. How easy it will be for them to understand the issues at hand.
  4. How they would react towards the message.
  5. Their attitude towards you, the writer.
  1. Job specifications
  2. Plain English
  3. Revising
  4. Writing
  5. Planning
  1. Einstweilige Verfügung
  2. Gerichtliche Verfügung
  3. Letztwillige Verfügung
  4. Vermächtnis
  5. Rechtswegerschöpfung
  1. Answering enquiries or questions
  2. Setting out options
  3. Knowing for yourself what you want to say
  4. Asking yourself what the purpose of your writing is
  5. Being sure of what you want the recipient to know

Dozent des Vortrages Legal writing

 Tim  Aghotor

Tim Aghotor

Der in Nigeria geborene Jurist studierte zunächst Political Science an der University Benin. Anschließend machte er seinen Master in Comparative Law in Mannheim und Adelaide, um in Birmingham noch den Bachelor of Law zu erreichen.

Er war Anwalt für Firmenrecht und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in Birmingham und Benin. An den Universitäten Mannheim und Heidelberg hatte er zuletzt eine Dozententätigkeit inne.

Seit 2004 hält er Kurse zum Thema Business English.


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