Add Text & Mark Table of Contents Entry von Sonic Performance

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Add Text & Mark Table of Contents Entry“ von Sonic Performance ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Directories in Word 2010“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Introduction Add Text & Mark Table of Contents Entry
  • Update Fields

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. the headings must be based on the required format templates
  2. the cursor must be placed at the beginning of the document
  3. automatic uptate schould be activated in the options
  1. the description position is below or above the element
  2. a table of figures is based on format templates
  3. the starting number for the numbering can be freely selected
  1. jumping quickly to text passages
  2. when using cross-references
  3. as bookmarks on the left in the document area
  1. is another term for a subject index
  2. can consist of a main and sub-entry
  3. is another term for a list of contents

Dozent des Vortrages Add Text & Mark Table of Contents Entry

 Sonic Performance

Sonic Performance

Sonic Performance Support is a provider of web-based video learning solutions in multiple languages for consumers, corporations of every size, associations and educational institutions.

All videos can be accessed instantly from any computer or mobile device via any browser and come with a human touch. Experienced trainers guide you step-by-step through the software features.


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