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Microsoft Windows 11: Troubleshooting (EN)

Von Simon Sez IT

In this course, participants will learn about gathering system information, backing up data, resolving processing issues, addressing storage issues, and conclude with a course close for Microsoft Windows 11.

Now new, with automated transcripts. Your feedback helps us continuously improve our offering.


  • Enthaltene Vorträge: 5
  • Laufzeit: 0:17 h
  • Enthaltene Quizfragen: 4

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Dozenten des Kurses Microsoft Windows 11: Troubleshooting (EN)

 Simon Sez IT

Simon Sez IT

The mission of Simon Sez IT is to make business and technical software simple to learn. The company was founded by Chris “Simon” Calder and has taught hundreds of thousands of students through its online course platform and popular YouTube channel.


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