The Manager as a System Designer von Simone Hoferer

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „The Manager as a System Designer“ von Simone Hoferer ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Managing Diversity - Get smarter on the Job“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Dealing with Ambiguity
  • A Multiplicity of Truths
  • It Is Not Only Perceiving
  • A World View
  • An Ethno-Relative World View
  • Cultural Types
  • Communication
  • Global Cultural Concepts

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. He/she creates its own inner word and knows that.
  2. He/she interacts with others by knowing that all is based on personal determined perception.
  3. He/she creates the best IT-System for its organization in order to be fit for international relations and business.
  4. He/she interacts with others as assimilated as possible to reduce missunderstandings.
  1. Minimization (Ethnocentric)
  2. Acceptance (Ethnorelative)
  3. Denial (Ethnocentric)
  4. Integration (Ethnorelative)
  5. Defence or Reversal (Ethnocentric)
  1. you as a manager recognize the diversity of your team and foster interaction and interconnectivity among them. You are able to design a strong and frank entity, that is connected internally but also externally and able to change and adapt flexibly to new situations.
  2. you as manager know that linear active societies (like Germany, USA, Switzerland, Australia etc) are more effective and efficient than other societies. Therefore, you will force your team to develop strengths that support linear active talents.
  3. you as a manager are able to design a strong entity, disconnected from external influences in order to booster efficiency.
  4. you as a manager recognize the uniformity of your team. You know that you should talk half of the time and only do one thing at a time. You need to be polite and job-oriented.
  1. Everyone is responsible for himself and needs to be an excellent manager himself.
  2. There might be a team leader that is in charge and responsive. But in intercultural global management understanding, everyone needs to be an excellent manager himself.
  3. The duty of a manager is to enhance the flow of information, to enable connectivity and to foster communication and understanding in a team and among teams.
  4. The manager has the duty to manage his teammates, to set direction, to give them tasks, to define duties and so on.
  5. The manager is responsible for the team.

Dozent des Vortrages The Manager as a System Designer

 Simone Hoferer

Simone Hoferer

Simone Hoferer ist systemischer Business Coach, Trainerin und Moderatorin.
Ihre Coachings und Trainings im Businessbereich sind aus der Praxis für die Praxis: Simone Hoferer war, als staatl. geprüfte Innenraum- und Möbelgestalterin, langjährig als Projektmanagerin und Teamleiterin tätig und hat als Kalkulatorin hochwertige Innenausbauprojekte in über 30 Ländern abgewickelt und verantwortlich betreut.

Im Iran hat Sie die Designabteilung einer Möbelfertigung aufgebaut und geleitet. Bereits während ihrer Gesellenzeit zur Schreinerin zog es sie ins Ausland und so arbeitete sie ein Jahr lang in Jasper, Indiana in den USA in der Qualitätssicherung einer Möbelfabrik für Hotelmöbel.

Simone Hoferer is a system. Business Coach, trainer and moderator.
Her coachings and trainings in business division are made from professional for professionals: Simone Hoferer as Master craftsman in cabinet making, was Project manager and supervisor for the realisation of projects in more than 30 countries.

In Iran she built-on and managed the design department of a furniture fabrication. Already during her journeyman's years of service as a carpenter she was attracted to foreign countries. So she worked in Jasper, Indiana (USA) in the quality management of a furniture fabrication for one year.


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