Expand your Comfort Zone von Simone Hoferer

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Expand your Comfort Zone“ von Simone Hoferer ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Emotional Competence - Explore your Potential“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Expand your Comfort Zone
  • Expand your Comfort ZoneThe Stress Zone
  • The Panic Zone
  • How to Expand
  • Cultural Influences
  • Interconnectivity
  • Excitement and Integration of Emotions
  • Become Aware of Your Emotions
  • Two travelers meet...
  • Improve Your Reflection Ability

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Stretching your comfort-zone
  2. Self-reflection and asking for feedback
  3. Know and accept where your expertise ends
  4. Be more engaged in groups, decide in groups and have discussions about it.
  5. You cannot increase it, because you are born with it
  1. Comfort zone, stress zone, and panic zone
  2. Stress zone, panic zone, and blind zone
  3. Stress zone, panic zone, and feedback zone
  4. Comfort zone, stress zone, and blind zone
  1. whenever I feel stressed.
  2. in new situations, that cause unconscious emotions.
  3. in intercultural incidents.
  4. whenever other people are not committed to my goals and plans.
  1. Identity, social identity, enculturation, intercultural intelligence, glocal identity
  2. Identity, cultural identity, enculturation, personal intelligence, glocal identity
  3. Identity, enculturation, intercultural intelligence, comfort zone, glocal identity
  4. Identity, social factors, enculturation, intercultural intelligence, global identity
  1. In observing and recognizing your body
  2. In observing your conflicts
  3. In recognizing my strength and weaknesses
  4. Emotions are unchangeable and often unconscious.
  1. You should strengthen your strengths instead of modifying your weakness.
  2. You should believe that each ability is a strength if used in a suitable context.
  3. You should believe that each weakness can become a strength if used in a suitable context.
  4. You should focus on your weaknesses and try to improve them.

Dozent des Vortrages Expand your Comfort Zone

 Simone Hoferer

Simone Hoferer

Simone Hoferer ist systemischer Business Coach, Trainerin und Moderatorin.
Ihre Coachings und Trainings im Businessbereich sind aus der Praxis für die Praxis: Simone Hoferer war, als staatl. geprüfte Innenraum- und Möbelgestalterin, langjährig als Projektmanagerin und Teamleiterin tätig und hat als Kalkulatorin hochwertige Innenausbauprojekte in über 30 Ländern abgewickelt und verantwortlich betreut.

Im Iran hat Sie die Designabteilung einer Möbelfertigung aufgebaut und geleitet. Bereits während ihrer Gesellenzeit zur Schreinerin zog es sie ins Ausland und so arbeitete sie ein Jahr lang in Jasper, Indiana in den USA in der Qualitätssicherung einer Möbelfabrik für Hotelmöbel.

Simone Hoferer is a system. Business Coach, trainer and moderator.
Her coachings and trainings in business division are made from professional for professionals: Simone Hoferer as Master craftsman in cabinet making, was Project manager and supervisor for the realisation of projects in more than 30 countries.

In Iran she built-on and managed the design department of a furniture fabrication. Already during her journeyman's years of service as a carpenter she was attracted to foreign countries. So she worked in Jasper, Indiana (USA) in the quality management of a furniture fabrication for one year.


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