Basics of Radiology and Computed Tomography (CT) von Hetal Verma, MD

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Basics of Radiology and Computed Tomography (CT)“ von Hetal Verma, MD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Vorphysikum Zahnmedizin“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • History and Basics of Radiology
  • Computed Tomography

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Muscle
  2. Fat
  3. Air
  4. Calcium
  5. Fluid
  1. …when images are created by multiple overlapping tissue densities.
  2. …when edges of an object are seen in the interface with a different density.
  3. …when there is a loss of normal borders between thoracic structures.
  4. …as a crescentic and radiolucent finding due to lung cavity that is filled with air and has a round radiopaque mass.
  5. …due to bronchial wall thickening.
  1. It evaluates a 2-dimensional structure with 3 projections.
  2. It evaluates a 3-dimensional structure with 2-dimensional images in two different views.
  3. It helps to identify the exact location of an object in the body.
  4. Common views include anteroposterior and lateral.
  5. Imaging with 2 projections is performed whenever possible.
  1. Renal function tests
  2. Liver function tests
  3. Baseline EKG
  4. Chest X-ray
  5. Spirometry
  1. They use lesser levels of ionizing radiation than radiographs.
  2. A CT image is a matrix of thousands of different voxels.
  3. Hounsfield units are based on how much x-ray beam is absorbed by the object.
  4. Hounsfield units are a measure of pixels and reflect the density of an object.
  5. Air has the least Hounsfield units of -1000 HU.
  1. Sagittal: looking at the patient from the side.
  2. Coronal: looking at the patient from the side.
  3. Axial: looking at the patient from the front.
  4. Sagittal: looking at the patient from the feet up to the head.
  5. Axial: looking at the patient from the side.
  1. The contrast must be given about 15-30 minutes prior to the exam.
  2. Oral CT contrast helps in distending and defining the bowel.
  3. Dilute barium sulfate is the most commonly used agent.
  4. 1000-1500 ml of the contrast is given to the patient orally.
  5. The patient should be asked if he is allergic to contrast.

Dozent des Vortrages Basics of Radiology and Computed Tomography (CT)

 Hetal Verma, MD

Hetal Verma, MD

Dr. Hetal Verma is a Clinical Instructor of Radiology and the Co-Director of the Radiology Cambridge Integrated Clerkship at Harvard Medical School, MA, USA.
She is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Medical School and completed her Breast Imaging fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Since 2012, she is the Director of Breast Imaging at Cambridge Health Alliance Radiology, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School.
She is passionate about women's health and has vast experience in teaching medical students and residents at Harvard Medical School.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Verma teaches courses on Radiology.


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von Rafael C. am 14. September 2020 für Basics of Radiology and Computed Tomography (CT)

Nice lecture very complete and in very litlle time. keep up with the good job

von Neuer d. am 06. August 2018 für Basics of Radiology and Computed Tomography (CT)

Good for beginners... Explanation from scratch.. Easy language... Explanation with imagery examples is a highlight

Very good!
von Rhayan R. am 12. Februar 2018 für Basics of Radiology and Computed Tomography (CT)

Very clear and objective explanation. I wouldn't mind if there were a few more details. :)

Overal good but a little bit of more detail would be more helpfull!!
von bnorn l. am 14. September 2017 für Basics of Radiology and Computed Tomography (CT)

Overal good resource. But i think it could be a little bit more detailed to be really usefull for medical school.

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