Snell's Law, Total Internal Reflection, and Dispersion von Jared Rovny, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Snell's Law, Total Internal Reflection, and Dispersion“ von Jared Rovny, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Physics (MU Pleven, Semester 1)“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Total Internal Reflection
  • Dispersion

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. The beam would bend more and more until the refraction angle approaches zero and the beam is traveling vertically relative to the surface of the medium.
  2. The beam would bend more and more to go parallel to the surface of the medium.
  3. The beam would stop bending and continue on a straight path.
  4. A beam cannot get into a medium with an increasing index of refraction
  5. The beam would entirely reflect from the surface.
  1. Light bends towards the normal when going from a lower to a higher index of refraction medium.
  2. Light bends away from the normal when going from a lower to a higher index of refraction medium.
  3. From a lower to a higher index of refraction medium, reflected light bends towards the normal.
  4. From a lower to a higher index of refraction medium, reflected light bends away from the normal.
  5. Since the speed of the light decreases when going from a lower index to a higher index medium, total internal reflection cannot occur.
  1. θ₁ = 46°
  2. θ₁ = 42°
  3. θ₁ = 36°
  4. θ₁ = 15°
  5. θ₁ = 0°
  1. White light enters a prism and splits into many colors
  2. A beam of monochromatic light enters a lens and bends
  3. Light moving along a path reflects in such a way that none is transmitted past the boundaries
  4. Two light rays enter a lens and interfere on the other side
  5. A beam of light hits a surface and refracts exactly along the surface

Dozent des Vortrages Snell's Law, Total Internal Reflection, and Dispersion

 Jared Rovny, PhD

Jared Rovny, PhD

Dr. Jared Rovny has been a Lecturer at Yale University in Connecticut, USA since 2013.
He obtained his PhD in Physics from Yale University in 2019. He was awarded the D. Allan Bromley Graduate Fellowship in Physics in 2019 and the Princeton Quantum Institute Postdoctoral Fellow in 2020.
Currently, he works with Yale's Center for Teaching and Learning at Yale University.
Due to his achievements, he earned the Yale College Prize Teaching Fellowship for his work in PHYS 171 (University Physics for the Life Sciences).
Within Lecturio, Dr. Rovny teaches courses on Physics.


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