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Histology and Development of the Skin (CUSM 5200, 2020)

Von Geoffrey Meyer, PhD, Peter Ward, PhD

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Epithelial Tissue

play symbol Epithelium: Introduction
play symbol Epithelium: Classification
lecture locked Epithelium: Epithelial Cells Exhibit Polarity
lecture locked Epithelium: How Are Epithelial Cells Joined Together?
lecture locked Epithelium: Surfaces of Epithelial Cells
lecture locked Epithelium: Basement Membrane
lecture locked Exocrine Glands
lecture locked How Do Exocrine Glands Release Their Secretory Products?
lecture locked How Are Exocrine Glands Classified and Named?
lecture locked Mucous and Serous Glands
lecture locked Lobes, Lobules and Cytogenesis
lecture locked Names of Ducts of Glands
lecture locked Mucosa and Serosa
lecture locked Skin (Integumentary System)
lecture locked Cells of the Epidermis
lecture locked The Skin is a Large Sensory Receptor Organ
lecture locked Skin Appendages
Quiz zum Kurs „Epithelial Tissue“

Histology and Development of the Skin - Additional Lectures (CUSM 5200, 2020)

lecture locked Development of Skin and Associated Glands
lecture locked Development of Hair and Nails
Quiz zum Kurs „Histology and Development of the Skin - Additional Lectures (CUSM 5200, 2020)“
Quiz zum Kurs „Histology and Development of the Skin (CUSM 5200, 2020)“


  • Enthaltene Vorträge: 19
  • Laufzeit: 2:07 h
  • Enthaltene Quizfragen: 63
  • Enthaltene Lernmaterialien: 5

Dozenten des Kurses Histology and Development of the Skin (CUSM 5200, 2020)

 Geoffrey Meyer, PhD

Geoffrey Meyer, PhD

Prof. Geoffrey Meyer is a Professor and Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Western Australia in 1981. Currently, he is the Coordinator for Histology in the Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT) of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).
Due to his achievements, he earned the Australian University Teaching Award and has received teaching fellowships from the University of Western Australia and the Australian Learning and Teaching Council.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Meyer teaches courses on Histology.

 Peter Ward, PhD

Peter Ward, PhD

Dr. Peter J. Ward is a Professor of Gross Anatomy at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in West Virginia, USA.
He obtained his PhD in Medical Anatomy Education from Purdue University in 2005. Currently, he is a respected teacher and researcher in the fields of anatomy, histology, embryology, neuroscience and approaches to learning and teaching.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Ward teaches courses on Embryology.


4,6 von 5 Sternen
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1  Stern
Resourceful Review on Mucous vs. Serous Glands
von Shane D. am 25. August 2023 für Mucous and Serous Glands

Although I am at present an unknowledgeable M0, I appreciate how informative this introductory lecture is on mucous versus serous glands, and that an associated slide with images is presented. Histology is a notably difficult course in medical school, especially for people without prior exposure. What textbook(s) or online readings or articles would you recommend reading to further supplement learning of mucous and serous glands and epithelium throughout the human body?

von Mirela P. am 27. Juni 2022 für Skin (Integumentary System)

Excellent! Thank you, Dr. Meyer for this lecture! Finally I don't have to memorize like a parrot and I started to like Histology ! :)

Thank you
von Mohamed K. am 05. März 2022 für Epithelial Tissue

He is really good I have learned alot from him

von Vikash K. am 07. Oktober 2021 für Epithelial Tissue

Good but one star is less, this is because professor doesn't use cursor so it little bit difficult to understand