Friction: Example von Jared Rovny, PhD

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Friction: Example“ von Jared Rovny, PhD ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Force“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. mg sinθ - μ_k mg cosθ
  2. mg cosθ - μk mg sinθ
  3. mg sinθ - μ_s mg cosθ
  4. mg sinθ + μ_k mg cosθ
  5. mg cosθ - μ_s mg sInθ
  1. The maximum static friction force will decrease.
  2. The coefficient of static friction μ_s will decrease.
  3. The maximum force caused by kinetic friction μ_k will decrease.
  4. The maximum force caused by kinetic friction μ_k will increase.
  5. The maximum force caused by kinetic friction μ_s will increase.
  1. The acceleration of the block is zero at the threshold of sliding down. However, a tiny increase in the incline angle θ will increase the acceleration to a non-zero value.
  2. The acceleration of the block is non-zero at the threshold of sliding down but negligible.
  3. The acceleration of the block is zero at the threshold of sliding down in a way that even if the incline angle θ is varied by a small amount it will still remain zero.
  4. The acceleration of the block is non-zero and non-negligible at the threshold of sliding down.
  5. The acceleration of the block is zero at the threshold of sliding down. However, any decrease in the incline angle θ will increase the acceleration to a non-zero value.

Dozent des Vortrages Friction: Example

 Jared Rovny, PhD

Jared Rovny, PhD

Dr. Jared Rovny has been a Lecturer at Yale University in Connecticut, USA since 2013.
He obtained his PhD in Physics from Yale University in 2019. He was awarded the D. Allan Bromley Graduate Fellowship in Physics in 2019 and the Princeton Quantum Institute Postdoctoral Fellow in 2020.
Currently, he works with Yale's Center for Teaching and Learning at Yale University.
Due to his achievements, he earned the Yale College Prize Teaching Fellowship for his work in PHYS 171 (University Physics for the Life Sciences).
Within Lecturio, Dr. Rovny teaches courses on Physics.


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