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Exame físico geral e propedêutica do sistema digestório, endócrino e reprodutor (Inspirali Semester 3 Práticas e Habilidades Práticas Médicas III)

Von Noor Sash, PhD

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  • Enthaltene Vorträge: 3
  • Laufzeit: 0:06 h

Dozenten des Kurses Exame físico geral e propedêutica do sistema digestório, endócrino e reprodutor (Inspirali Semester 3 Práticas e Habilidades Práticas Médicas III)

 Noor Sash, PhD

Noor Sash, PhD

Dr. Sash Noor worked as a trainer at Doctors Academy, UK, which is one of the world’s largest providers of medical education and training that complements the programs offered by medical universities, institutions, and hospitals.
Within Lecturio, she teaches courses on the Physical Examination.


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