Equations of Tangents and Lines von Batool Akmal

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Equations of Tangents and Lines“ von Batool Akmal ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Calculus Methods: Differentiation“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. The gradient (or slope) of the line
  2. Where the line crosses the y-axis
  3. Where the line crosses the x-axis
  4. The gradient of the normal line to y = mx + c
  5. The angle which the line makes with the x-axis
  1. y = (-1/m)x + c
  2. y = -mx + c
  3. y = cx + m
  4. y = -cmx
  5. x = (-1/m) y + c

Dozent des Vortrages Equations of Tangents and Lines

 Batool Akmal

Batool Akmal

Batool Akmal is the founder of A-level Maths Cardiff; a mathematics tuition and revision company in Wales, UK.
She obtained her Mathematics and Physics Degree, and Postgraduate Certificate in Education from Cardiff University.
She was the Director of the Honours Programme at St. David’s Catholic College from 2012 to 2016 and Head of Numeracy from 2017-2019.
Within Lecturio, Batool Akmal teaches courses on Calculus.


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von Neuer N. am 12. September 2018 für Equations of Tangents and Lines

Very helpful. I'm learning so fast through all these videos. Thank you sooo much! I'm so happy :)