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Bone/Osteogenesis (Texas A&M FOM I Week 9)

Von Geoffrey Meyer, PhD

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  • Enthaltene Vorträge: 13
  • Laufzeit: 1:38 h
  • Enthaltene Quizfragen: 54
  • Enthaltene Lernmaterialien: 3

Dozenten des Kurses Bone/Osteogenesis (Texas A&M FOM I Week 9)

 Geoffrey Meyer, PhD

Geoffrey Meyer, PhD

Prof. Geoffrey Meyer is a Professor and Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Western Australia in 1981. Currently, he is the Coordinator for Histology in the Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT) of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).
Due to his achievements, he earned the Australian University Teaching Award and has received teaching fellowships from the University of Western Australia and the Australian Learning and Teaching Council.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Meyer teaches courses on Histology.


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Introduction to the Structure of Bones: Histology
von Shane D. am 25. August 2023 für Structure of Bones

Super helpful introduction and outline of future lectures. I appreciate the integrated instructions surrounding structure, location, function, and particular roles within the body. These lectures are helpful supplements to textbook readings.

Immature Bone: Helpful but Lacking Resource
von Shane D. am 25. August 2023 für Immature Bone

While this was certainly a helpful lecture with breaking down differences between mature versus immature bone, not revealing the labeled diagram could prove detrimental to student learning. I noticed when quizzing myself that stronger learning might be taking place, but ultimately, I am not sure if everyone myself included could fully and adequately label every structure on this histological slide. Could you provide these diagrams with labels if they are not already somewhere? My histology atlas displays images differently.

von Vishal V. am 30. Mai 2021 für Different Types of Bone

Well, I find it more useful. I got what I want from this lecture.

von Joseph E. am 18. März 2021 für Bone Formation

Greatly assisted me in identifying the structure and function of bone organelles