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Body Patterning (UAB Block 2)

Von John McLachlan, PhD, Peter Ward, PhD

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  • Enthaltene Vorträge: 10
  • Laufzeit: 0:57 h
  • Enthaltene Quizfragen: 17
  • Enthaltene Lernmaterialien: 9

Dozenten des Kurses Body Patterning (UAB Block 2)

 John McLachlan, PhD

John McLachlan, PhD

Dr. John McLachlan is the Professor of Medical Education at Durham University in England, UK.
He obtained his PhD in Developmental Biology at the University of London. Previously, he was Director of Undergraduate Medicine and Associate Dean of Medicine at Durham University from 2005 to 2016, as well as the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Education journal.
Due to his experience, his work on anatomy pedagogy has influenced anatomy teaching in the five new medical schools that have opened in the UK since Medical Education was first published in 2004.
Within Lecturio, Dr. McLachlan teaches courses on Embryology.

 Peter Ward, PhD

Peter Ward, PhD

Dr. Peter J. Ward is a Professor of Gross Anatomy at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in West Virginia, USA.
He obtained his PhD in Medical Anatomy Education from Purdue University in 2005. Currently, he is a respected teacher and researcher in the fields of anatomy, histology, embryology, neuroscience and approaches to learning and teaching.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Ward teaches courses on Embryology.


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Great Lecture series
von Arjavon T. am 07. September 2020 für Mesoderm Derivatives: Paraxial and Intermediate Mesoderm

Hello Professor Ward. M1 student from CA here. I just wanted to say that I think these lectures are super awesome, and thank you for taking the time for ensuring good quality while also making great responses to student questions.

Wonderful Lectures!
von Loyana W. am 23. Oktober 2019 für Limb Development and Muscle Migration

Dr. Ward is excellent! I thoroughly enjoy his lectures and feel well-versed in the subject after watching and listening to his explanations. Thank you!

von Neuer N. am 26. Januar 2019 für Development of the Vertebrae

It helped me to gain knowledge in embryology.....Awesome videos N slides

excellent lecture
von Zijun Z. am 28. Dezember 2018 für Mesoderm Derivatives: Lateral Plate Mesoderm and Body Wall

w/ very clear explanations! i also like how the points are very clinically relevant. thank you!