Basics of Residential Mortgage Backed Securities von Edu Pristine

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Basics of Residential Mortgage Backed Securities“ von Edu Pristine ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Archiv - Market Risks“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • AIM Statements
  • Securitization Process
  • Agency and Non Agency MBS
  • Mortgage Prepayment
  • Weighted Average Maturity/Coupon
  • Measuring Prepayment Speeds
  • PSA Prepayment Benchmark
  • Problem - Calculating the SMM
  • Effective Duration
  • Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
  • Sequential CMOs
  • Planned Amortization Class
  • Interest Only Strips

Dozent des Vortrages Basics of Residential Mortgage Backed Securities

 Edu Pristine

Edu Pristine

Trusted by Fortune 500 Companies and 10,000 Students from 40+ countries across the globe, EduPristine is one of the leading International Training providers for Finance Certifications like FRM®, CFA®, PRM®, Business Analytics, HR Analytics, Financial Modeling, Operational Risk Modeling etc. It was founded by industry professionals who have worked in the area of investment banking and private equity in organizations such as Goldman Sachs, Crisil - A Standard & Poors Company, Standard Chartered and Accenture.

EduPristine has conducted corporate training for various leading corporations and colleges like JP Morgan, Bank of America, Ernst & Young, Accenture, HSBC, IIM C, NUS Singapore etc. EduPristine has conducted more than 500,000 man-hours of quality training in finance.


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