Explained and Unexplained Variation von Edu Pristine

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Explained and Unexplained Variation“ von Edu Pristine ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Archiv - Quantitative Analysis“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Explained and unexplained variation
  • Coefficient of determination
  • Examples of approximate
  • Correlation coefficient
  • Calculating the correlation coefficient

Dozent des Vortrages Explained and Unexplained Variation

 Edu Pristine

Edu Pristine

Trusted by Fortune 500 Companies and 10,000 Students from 40+ countries across the globe, EduPristine is one of the leading International Training providers for Finance Certifications like FRM®, CFA®, PRM®, Business Analytics, HR Analytics, Financial Modeling, Operational Risk Modeling etc. It was founded by industry professionals who have worked in the area of investment banking and private equity in organizations such as Goldman Sachs, Crisil - A Standard & Poors Company, Standard Chartered and Accenture.

EduPristine has conducted corporate training for various leading corporations and colleges like JP Morgan, Bank of America, Ernst & Young, Accenture, HSBC, IIM C, NUS Singapore etc. EduPristine has conducted more than 500,000 man-hours of quality training in finance.


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Auszüge aus dem Begleitmaterial

... RSS = Residual sum of squares TSS = Total sum of squares RSS = Sum of (yi- f(xi))2 ...

... factors other than the re lationship between x and y ESS = Explained sum of squares. Explained variation ...

... Total sum of Squares Sum of Squares Regression / Explained Sum of SquaresSum of Squares Error / Residual Sum of Squares  ...

... variable The coefficient of determination is also called R-s quared and is denoted as R2 ...

... independent variable case, the coefficient of determination is...

... explained by variatio n in x EduPristine For Quants-III (Confidential) 5 100% of the variation in y ...

... Weaker linear relationship between x and y: Some but not all of the variation in ...

... For Quants-III (Confidential)7 The value of Y does not depend on x. (None of the variation ...

... He assesses that three facto rs contribute heavily towards the growth and comes up with the following results: Y = b + 1.5 X 1+ 1.2X 2+ 3X 3 Sum of Squared ...

... The fraction of the variance of Y attributable to X is equal to: ...

... the correlation coefficient and measures the fraction of the variance ...

... free Range between -1 and 1 -The closer to -1, the stronger the negative linear relationship EduPristine For Quants-III (Confidential). The closer to -1, the stronger the negative linear ...