Equity Research Advanced Charts von eduCBA Global Online Training Experts

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Equity Research Advanced Charts“ von eduCBA Global Online Training Experts ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Equity Research“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Excel 2010 Sparklines
  • Range Charts Type 1 Part a
  • Range Charts Type 1 Part b
  • Range Charts Area Type 2 Part a
  • Range Charts Area Type 2 Part b
  • Funding Graph
  • Two Axis Graphs

Dozent des Vortrages Equity Research Advanced Charts

 eduCBA Global Online Training Experts

eduCBA Global Online Training Experts

EduCorporateBridge is a globally recognized training firm, providing blend of instructor-led and online financial training programs in Excel, Advanced Excel, VBAs, Macros, Equity Research, Wealth Management, Technical Analysis Investment banking, Private Equity, Fundamental Analysis, Investment Research and Credit Research as well as preparatory courses like CFA Level I & II and FRM Level I & II, Campus Placement Trainings etc.

The Corporate Bridge Online training Learning Management System provides access to high end excel videos, valuation tutorials, online tests, downloadable templates and models that are prepared by Research Analysts & Investment Bankers.


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Auszüge aus dem Begleitmaterial

... IPO, Debt and Internal funding. The usage of capital is for three projects - Project 1, Project 2 and Project 3. WHAT ARE FUNDING GRAPHS? Within the same plot we can see sources of capital and usages of capital...

... we find that the total cash flows earned from final products. TK1, TK2 and TK3 is provided. Additionally, the input material is the same for all three projects. Compare this with Crude Oil as input raw material and the final products. TK1 as Gasoline, TK2 as Diesel, TK3 as Naptha. ...