Demand and Supply Analysis - The Firm von Edu Pristine

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Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Demand and Supply Analysis - The Firm“ von Edu Pristine ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Archiv - Economics“. Der Vortrag ist dabei in folgende Kapitel unterteilt:

  • Opportunity Cost and Economic Profit
  • Total, average and marginal revenue

Dozent des Vortrages Demand and Supply Analysis - The Firm

 Edu Pristine

Edu Pristine

Trusted by Fortune 500 Companies and 10,000 Students from 40+ countries across the globe, EduPristine is one of the leading International Training providers for Finance Certifications like FRM®, CFA®, PRM®, Business Analytics, HR Analytics, Financial Modeling, Operational Risk Modeling etc. It was founded by industry professionals who have worked in the area of investment banking and private equity in organizations such as Goldman Sachs, Crisil - A Standard & Poors Company, Standard Chartered and Accenture.

EduPristine has conducted corporate training for various leading corporations and colleges like JP Morgan, Bank of America, Ernst & Young, Accenture, HSBC, IIM C, NUS Singapore etc. EduPristine has conducted more than 500,000 man-hours of quality training in finance.


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Auszüge aus dem Begleitmaterial

  • ... accounting profit, economic profit, normal profit, and economic ...

  • ... Accounting Profit: Firm revenue minus expenses over given time period (Does not take implicit costs into account) 2 NormalProfitImplied Rental RateEconomic depreciation Decrease in value ...

  • ... explicit costs ABC cost of capital - foregone interest ABC owners  salary Economic depreciation on buildings Normal profit Total implicit costs (cost of resources) Total cost Economic profit ...

  • ... have earned " OC of an employee is what he could have earned in his n ext highest-paying alternative employment " Economic Rent = ...

  • ... " Entire payment is economic rent, If supply curve is perfectly inelastic  Depends on factor of production " If it is relatively easy to create or supply, economic rent is reduced by competition " If a factor of production is very difficult to supply or reproduce (e.g. Sharukh Khan), the factor will receive significant ...

  • ... Inelastic SupplyUpward sloping supply curve Economic rent to factor of production ...

  • ... working as an InvestmentBanker and set up a restaurant in London, all ...

  • ... Wages foregone & interest on deposits foregone ...

  • ... could earn from next best alternative employment is calle d: A. Productivity. B. Economic rent C. Opportunity cost ...

  • ... next best alternative employment. Opportunity cost is what he could ...

  • ... the products at the same price, so that price=AR=MR Q P TR ð´ ð= Price D= Market Price= MR=AR " Total revenue for a firm that charges a single price to all customers is calculated as : where: TR= total revenue P= price Q= quantity " Average revenue is total revenue divided by quantity sold " Marginal revenue is increase in ...

  • ... are price searchers, as they have to decide what price to charge for their product " To increase the quantity to be sold firms must reduce the price of the product they are selling " Therefore, firms under imperfect competition have marg inal revenue less than ...

  • ... " Total revenue is maximum when MR=0 " The marginal revenue and average revenue will decline as the quantity sold increases and the average revenue will n ot equal to marginal revenue in this case ...

  • ... the total revenue, average revenue and marginal revenue ...