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Financial Accounting Including Job-Specific German Skills

Online education with education voucher

Financial Accounting Including Job-Specific German Skills

Online education with education voucher

Financial Accounting Including Job-Specific German Skills

What is Financial Accounting?

Trained finance and accounting professionals play a crucial role in every company. They ensure the smooth functioning of processes related to finance, accounts receivable and payable, taxes, and auditing. Because potential challenges often arise in these areas, skilled employees are highly sought after to help companies adapt and maintain efficiency.

Key Skills for a Successful Financial Manager

Succeeding as a financial accountant requires strong data analysis skills and a solid understanding of accounting practices. Additionally, critical thinking abilities are invaluable for preparing financial statements and utilizing technology effectively. While course training can provide the expertise for this role, an inherent interest in numbers, legal texts, and business processes is greatly advantageous. There are diverse courses available in finance and accounting, covering areas like payroll and accounts management.

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Your Finance Management Course-Package

Sector specific language

Sector-Specific Language & Intercultural Qualification for Career Entry

Debitoren und Kreditorenbuchhaltung Grundlagen

Debtors + Creditors

Accounts receivable accounting focuses primarily on receivables management, while accounts payable accounting is entrusted with the processing of incoming invoices.

Zertifizierte r Finanzbuchhalter in

Financial Accountant

You will become a financial accountant by gradually learning all the important aspects of financial accounting through online video courses in cooperation with the renowned tax college Dr. Endriss.

Sector-Specific Language & Intercultural Qualification for Career Entry

  • Grammar: Strengthening grammatical structures, e.g. verbs, tenses, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure for financial management. This includes advanced tenses, modal verbs, indirect speech, complex sentence structures, and conjunctions.
  • Vocabulary: Expanding vocabulary related to Financial Accounting.
  • Listening Comprehension: Exercises to enhance listening comprehension through texts, dialogues, and videos.
  • Reading Comprehension: Tasks to improve reading skills using newspaper articles and short stories for financial management.
  • Speaking and Writing: Practical exercises to develop communication skills, including dialogues, role plays, essays, presentations in the context of finance management.

Debtors + Creditors

  • Accounting Fundamentals and Legal Obligations: Introduction to accounting, obligations as per commercial and tax law, and principles of proper accounting (GoB).
  • Balance Sheet and Account Management: Preparation of balance sheets, stock account postings, handling profit and loss accounts, goods accounts, and extraordinary increases.
  • Special Accounting Transactions: Management of bonuses, discounts, and rebates in the accounting process.
  • Valuation and Management of Receivables: Evaluation and management of receivables.
    In-Depth Case
  • Discussions and Review: Analyzing balance sheet and carry-forward bookings, revisiting topics like profit and loss accounts, goods accounts, and VAT through case studies.

Financial Accountant

  • Bookkeeping and Accounting Organization: Basics of financial accounting, including book preparation and organization.
  • Annual Financial Statements per Commercial and Tax Law: Preparation and analysis of annual financial statements based on relevant commercial and tax law standards, including specific legal requirements and conditions.
  • Basics of Financial Management: Introduction to essential financial management concepts, covering financial planning, budgeting, and financial control.
  • Income Tax: Fundamentals of income tax, encompassing calculation and reporting.
  • And More

Your Benefits of Financial Accounting Include Job-Specific German Skills

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Buddy Program

Buddy Program

The goal of our Buddy Program is to help you at your Job Centre appointment. This includes translation support during your appointment, help with preparing your documents beforehand, and moral support throughout the appointment. Your Buddy is there to help increase your chances of receiving an educational voucher.

Course Counseling

Course Counseling

Choosing the best course can be a challenging task. We guide you through the process to help you identify the career you want and find the right course on the Agentur für Arbeit's Kursnet.

CV & Motivational Letter Writing

CV & Motivational Letter Writing

Our team will help you revise your CV to best highlight your experiences and skills for your appointment at the Job Centre and when applying for an educational voucher. Struggling with writing a convincing motivational letter? Our team is also here to support you with our free writing service.

Buddy Program

The goal of our Buddy Program is to help you at your Job Centre appointment. This includes translation support during your appointment, help with preparing your documents beforehand, and moral support throughout the appointment. Your Buddy is there to help increase your chances of receiving an educational voucher.

Course Counselling

Choosing the best course can be a challenging task. We guide you through the process to help you identify the career you want and find the right course on the Agentur für Arbeit's Kursnet.

CV & Motivational Letter writing

Our team will help you revise your CV to best highlight your experiences and skills for your appointment at the Job Centre and when applying for an educational voucher. Struggling with writing a convincing motivational letter? Our team is also here to support you with our free writing service.

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