Thoracic Skeleton von Darren Salmi, MD, MS

Über den Vortrag

Der Vortrag „Thoracic Skeleton“ von Darren Salmi, MD, MS ist Bestandteil des Kurses „Year 1, Semester 1 (Philippines Nursing Curriculum)“.

Quiz zum Vortrag

  1. Xiphoid process
  2. Body
  3. Manubrium
  4. Costochondral cartilage
  5. Clavicle
  1. A joint that allows no movement.
  2. A joint that allows 180-degree rotation.
  3. A joint that allows 90-degree rotation.
  4. A joint in the lower half of the body.
  5. A joint in the upper half of the body.
  1. 2nd rib
  2. 4th rib
  3. 5th rib
  4. 6th rib
  5. 8th rib
  1. The true ribs' costal cartilages articulate directly with the sternum.
  2. The true ribs' costal cartilages articulate indirectly with the sternum.
  3. The false ribs attach directly to the transverse process of the vertebral body.
  4. The true ribs attach directly to the transverse process of the vertebral body.
  5. The true ribs are formed prior to the false ribs during embryological development.
  1. Limb abduction
  2. Limb adduction
  3. Limb flexion
  4. Limb extension
  5. Laying down

Dozent des Vortrages Thoracic Skeleton

 Darren Salmi, MD, MS

Darren Salmi, MD, MS

Dr. Salmi is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology and Surgery at Stanford University.

He obtained his M.S. in Biological Sciences from Stanford University in 2005 and his M.D. from U.C. Davis in 2010. Dr. Salmi completed his Residency in Anatomic Pathology at Stanford University. He is specifically interested in autopsy and cardiovascular pathology. Due to his outstanding lecture style, he has received numerous awards for excellence in preclinical teaching.

Within Lecturio, Dr. Salmi teaches Anatomy for medical and nursing students.


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this was dope and easy
von smbraun . am 21. Juli 2023 für Thoracic Skeleton

coooll... this was very easy in the short amount of time i got an insane amount of notes
