
Meningitis: Etiology and Pathophysiology (Nursing)

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:01 Now, that we're clear that meningitis were the location of the structures that are inflamed there inside your head.

    00:07 Let's look at what can cause meningitis.

    00:10 Now, there's not just one straightforward cause.

    00:12 So stick with me, I'm going to give you a list of things in two separate categories.

    00:17 Now, the first it could be caused by viruses are pretty familiar with that it would be called viral meningitis.

    00:24 It could be caused by bacteria, which is also named bacterial meningitis.

    00:28 Now, the last two are kind of weird in this category.

    00:31 It could be a fungi, or it could also be a parasite.

    00:35 That just leaves me out and gives me nightmares, the thought of a parasite being inside your head like that.

    00:42 But all four of these little fellas, they fall into one category called infectious meningitis.

    00:48 Okay, so you've got that platform. You've got that framework.

    00:51 You know, there's two main categories of causes of meningitis.

    00:55 One is infectious, and could be viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites.

    01:01 The other category is noninfectious.

    01:04 So, this one is a little weird, a little trickier.

    01:07 And something that's important I want you to keep in mind is remember that viruses are the most common causes of meningitis.

    01:13 Okay, pause. So, write yourself a note that viruses are the most common cause of meningitis.

    01:20 But bacteria is the most contagious form of meningitis.

    01:24 And that's really important that you keep that straight.

    01:27 Now, in our downloadable materials, you can find a table where the organisms that actually cause meningitis are more specifically classified and listed for you.

    01:35 Just in case you've got some extra free time on your hands to take a look at that. But it's really interesting.

    01:40 And particularly, if you get to care for a patient who has meningitis, you're going to want to consult that chart.

    01:46 So, make sure, you take a look at it now, but don't memorize it.

    01:50 But hang on to it for reference when you're doing patient care.

    01:53 This next section is really important to me that you understand because I want you to be safe in practice.

    01:59 Now, how meningitis is spread is by droplets? It's not the only diseases spread by droplets.

    02:04 But with meningitis, think back to what you know about droplet spreading.

    02:09 How does that work? That's when a patient coughs or sneezes somebody who's contagious.

    02:14 Those droplets go into the atmosphere.

    02:17 The other person inhales them just with normal breathing, and then you end up with big problems.

    02:24 So, before I even go on, I want to stop right here, another red slide to catch your attention.

    02:29 Because it's always important that you wear the appropriate PPE.

    02:34 Now, sometimes things change or recommendations change.

    02:38 You just have to look at the research.

    02:40 Your hospital will have a policy, or stay up on what your agencies recommend.

    02:44 But it is so important that you do not cut corners, or try to get into a room quicker without putting on your PPE.

    02:52 your Personal Protective Equipment.

    02:55 Okay, it was important enough for me to remind you that that I wanted to take time, right here in this video to remind you, we need you strong and healthy.

    03:05 If you're going to be taking care of patients and enjoying life with your family.

    03:09 Sometimes you've learned things in nursing school, but you kind of memorize them rather than understand them.

    03:14 This is one of those examples. I want you to think through.

    03:17 How does an inhaled microorganism end up being meningitis? Well, once it's inhaled, it travels through the body and it sometimes ends up in the meninges.

    03:28 Now, remember, we have three of those, right? You see if you can name them. Don't look at your notes.

    03:34 Close your eyes and see if you can try to recall that.

    03:36 That is an excellent study strategy from the how you PAD your brain.

    03:42 Can you remember those three layers? So, I've got the microorganisms in there.

    03:45 They've traveled in the brain. They're in the meninges.

    03:48 Now look what happens to the meninges.

    03:51 There you go. You've got this bright red The artist has created for you to help you know that that's what generates the inflammation.

    03:58 The body is responding to those microorganisms.

    04:02 This is when the patient will present with meningitis, inflammation of the meninges.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Meningitis: Etiology and Pathophysiology (Nursing) by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course Acute Neurologic Disorders (Nursing) (release in progress).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Viruses
    2. Bacteria
    3. Fungi
    4. Parasites
    1. Droplets
    2. Contact
    3. Airborne
    4. Vectors

    Author of lecture Meningitis: Etiology and Pathophysiology (Nursing)

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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