
Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thanking (AIDET) (Nursing)

by Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

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    00:01 Let's look at another form of communication, we call it AIDET, this is specific to the patient encounter. So again, it's called AIDET, not IDET, AIDET.

    00:11 A, starts for Acknowledge. I, is for Introduce.

    00:16 D, is for Duration. E, is for Explanation, and T, of course, is for Thank you.

    00:22 So, let's go through each one.

    00:24 First of all, when we're going into a patient encounter such as going into a patient room, such as, Knock, knock, knock, "Hi, I'm Samantha. I'm gonna be your nurse today.

    00:33 How are you today, Miss Jones?" We're acknowledging our patient.

    00:37 So, and of course, as I've just done, make sure you introduce yourself.

    00:42 This seems very rudimentary, but you can imagine, when you're in the hospital, there are several people that come in and out, in and out: different scrub colors; sometimes the patients get very confused about who's coming into the room, so it's always good to know that who's supposed to be in there is actually supposed to be in there, so you make sure you introduce yourself.

    01:02 Next, if we're going to do a procedure or any sort of treatment, make sure you let the patient know. "Hey, Miss Jones this is gonna last about five minutes." So, what that does was allow the patient to say, "Okay, I can do anything for five minutes," or "Man, I'm in for the long haul." So, keep that in mind when you're explaining procedures with your patient.

    01:22 Next, let's talk about explanation. This is pivotal.

    01:26 If you just say, "Hey, Miss Jones, I'm in your room, this is gonna take about five minutes." And then you do the treatment like stick an IV in the patient, they're not gonna be very happy.

    01:35 So obviously make sure you thoroughly explained the procedure to the patient or any sort of treatment.

    01:40 The reason why we wanna do that is we wanna make sure the patient feels comfortable and they were informed of what's gonna happen.

    01:47 Lastly, make sure to thank your patient.

    01:51 So, of course, that's an understood, but say, thank you for your time, I understand that was difficult or that was a painful procedure, I appreciate you cooperating with me.

    02:01 What that does is just acknowledging that that was an uncomfortable situation, it also helps gain rapport with your client.

    02:09 So now that we've talked about those steps, the acknowledge, introduce, duration, explanation, and the thank you, let's put it to a case example.

    02:18 Talk about acknowledge, "Miss Jones, hi, I'm gonna be your Nurse Nancy today," when we introduce.

    02:25 "This procedure is gonna take about 10 minutes, and today we're gonna insert a foley catheter because you've had a hard time urinating." So, we just talked about those AIDET pieces, so now let's go through the example.

    02:39 Such as, "Good morning, Miss Jones, it's me, Nurse Nancy, I'm here to insert that foley that we spoke about earlier. Should take about 10 minutes.

    02:47 The insertion may be a little uncomfortable, but once it is in, the discomfort should go away.

    02:53 I've been doing this for at least 11 years, so I'll make it as quick and painless as possible.

    02:59 So, do you have a question before we get started?" And of course, after we've done this acknowledge, the introduce, we've done the duration, and we've explained the procedure, after that procedure's completed, we clearly wanna make sure we thank the patient.

    03:14 Such as hey, after the insertion we should say, "Hey, thank you Miss Jones for the time and the cooperation. I know that wasn't the most comfortable procedure, but I'm sure that this is going to help us take better care for you."

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thanking (AIDET) (Nursing) by Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN is from the course Therapeutic Communication (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Introduce
    2. Acknowledge
    3. Duration
    4. Explanation
    1. "I am going to be putting an IV line in your arm. This allows medications to be administered right into your bloodstream. I will explain each step to you as I do it. Do you have any questions?"
    2. "I am going to be putting an IV in your arm because the health care provider ordered one. It shouldn't hurt at all; you will barely notice me doing it. Do you have any questions?"
    3. "I am going to be placing an IV line in your arm. I place IV lines all the time, so you have no need to worry."
    4. "The health care provider has placed an order for an IV line to be placed in your arm. I don't know why he has ordered this, but I will find out after I place it and will come back and tell you."
    1. "The wound dressing change should take about 5 minutes."
    2. "The wound dressing change won't take long at all."
    3. "The amount of time to do the wound dressing change depends on your cooperation."
    4. "This wound dressing needs to be changed because it is soiled."

    Author of lecture Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thanking (AIDET) (Nursing)

     Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

    Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN

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