The Presentation by Tony Hunt

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About the Lecture

The lecture The Presentation by Tony Hunt is from the course Presentation Skills Training (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • The Presentation
  • Rule of Three
  • Visuals
  • Visual Techniques
  • Types of Meeting

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Concepts or ideas presented in threes are more memorable.
  2. Concepts or ideas presented in threes are more interesting.
  3. Concepts or ideas presented in threes are more enjoyable.
  4. Concepts or ideas presented in threes are more lucid.
  5. Concepts or ideas presented in threes are more boring.
  1. Try to keep to 6-8 lines if possible. Occasionally you might need to use a few more.
  2. As many lines of text as possible.
  3. Paste a Word document into the slide – that will be fine!
  4. Try to keep to 3-4 lines if possible. Occasionally you might need to use a few less.
  1. If the audience consists of more than 40 people, consider using a microphone that is not fixed.
  2. Try to avoid whiteouts when using an OHP.
  3. Remember the audience will read the handouts immediately, so be prepared to facilitate this.
  4. Try to avoid OHPs.
  5. Do not make use of handouts because they will only distract the audience.
  1. Logical sequence
  2. Rule of three
  3. Problem cause solution
  4. Chronology
  5. Rule of four

Author of lecture The Presentation

 Tony Hunt

Tony Hunt

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