Self- and Time Management II by Zach Davis

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About the Lecture

The lecture Self- and Time Management II by Zach Davis is from the course Time Management (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Good enough
  • Transparency
  • Gas-Principle
  • Procrastinate
  • Frequently Telephone Appointments

Included Quiz Questions

  1. To write down how long things took for a week
  2. To plan more precisely for a week
  3. To waste as little time as possible for a week
  4. To eliminate unimportant tasks for a week
  5. To say no more frequently for a week
  1. Tasks tend to expand as far as they can.
  2. You should define a different, earlier deadline and plan to be done by then.
  3. The time you need to spend on a task cannot be estimated.
  4. You should keep to the set deadline, because a different, fake deadline does not help you to finish earlier.
  1. The sawyer does not have time to sharpen the saw because he has to finish the project.
  2. It costs you more time to not put any time into something, than you save by avoiding it.
  3. People often say that they do not have time to get into a topic deeply and to really understand it.
  4. You should not spend a reasonable amount of time for planning purposes.
  5. It is more important to do something quickly than thorough.
  1. To eliminate tasks with low value or put them off for a while
  2. To deal with procrastinators constructively
  3. To wait before starting an important task
  4. Not to procrastinate
  5. To move the urgent tasks to the future
  1. Before you call, write down bullet points you want to discuss.
  2. If you talk on a regular basis, collect the topics you want to talk about and put them into a place where you can access them quickly.
  3. Arrange telephone appointments more frequently.
  4. Before you spontaneously call someone, write the other person an e-mail where you state the topics you would like to discuss in the next few minutes.
  5. Rather than calling, write an e-mail because it saves time.
  1. Ensure that there is an agenda and that it is distributed among the participants beforehand.
  2. Topics to be covered should be grouped according to particular people or functional areas.
  3. Every topic that is supposed to be covered is assigned a maximum amount of time.
  4. Somebody pays attention to the process and the time.
  5. All participants should partake from the beginning to the end of the meeting.

Author of lecture Self- and Time Management II

 Zach Davis

Zach Davis

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