Self- and Time Management I by Zach Davis

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About the Lecture

The lecture Self- and Time Management I by Zach Davis is from the course Time Management (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Start with Big Rocks
  • First Activity in the Morning
  • Advantage of Checklists
  • Use Colours to your Advantage
  • Singletasking vs Multitasking

Included Quiz Questions

  1. that you should start with the bigger, more important tasks.
  2. that you should alternate small and big tasks.
  3. that you should plan tasks based on your energy level.
  4. that you cannot fully avoid minor tasks.
  5. that you need to get the minor tasks out of the way first.
  1. Usually the time before 9 o’clock is much quieter than the time after 9 o’clock.
  2. As a first activity it would be best use of your time to start with a big rock.
  3. As a first activity it would be best use of your time to start with checking your e-mails.
  4. Usually the time before 9 o’clock is much noisier than the time after 9 o’clock.
  1. For repetitive tasks
  2. For tasks that are especially important
  3. For tasks within IT projects
  4. For tasks that are relatively simple
  5. For tasks that involve a lot of people
  1. You do not forget anything.
  2. You are faster.
  3. You can define the order in which something needs to be done.
  4. You can do multitasking better.
  1. that you should group similar/related tasks together.
  2. that you should not spend too much time with unimportant tasks.
  3. that you should start with the essential tasks.
  4. that all internal tasks should be grouped together.
  5. that you should not let other people interrupt you.
  1. Not to do it
  2. To use it strategically at times
  3. To only do it in the mornings when concentration is high
  4. To get good at it
  5. To leave it to people who are better at it
  1. Gross annual salary, divided by 1000
  2. Gross annual salary, divided by 500
  3. Net annual salary, divided by 1000
  4. Gross annual salary, divided by 2000
  5. Net annual salary, divided by 100

Author of lecture Self- and Time Management I

 Zach Davis

Zach Davis

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