Identifiying and Using Standard Instructional Methods by Karen Lawson

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About the Lecture

The lecture Identifiying and Using Standard Instructional Methods by Karen Lawson is from the course Train the Trainer - Online Course (EN). It contains the following chapters:

  • Introduction: Identifying and Using Standard Instructional Methods
  • Role Play
  • Types of Role Plays
  • Case Studies / Instructional Games / Simulations
  • Observations / Mental Imagery / Lecturette

Included Quiz Questions

  1. So the trainer has less to do.
  2. Stimulating thinking and promoting interaction
  3. Keeping the participants awake
  4. Making your program fun
  1. Small group discussion
  2. Writing task
  3. Mental imagery
  4. Simulation
  1. Coaching
  2. Rotating trio
  3. Spontaneous
  4. Scripted
  1. Scripted
  2. Spontaneous
  3. Coaching
  4. Rotating trio

Author of lecture Identifiying and Using Standard Instructional Methods

 Karen Lawson

Karen Lawson

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