
Walkthrough: Reduction of Risk Potential Q2 – NCLEX-RN®

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:01 The nurse is caring for a client who is diagnosed with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

    00:06 Phew, I run out of breath every time I say that which is why we call it MRSA, M-R-S-A.

    00:12 So I'm taking care of a client who's been diagnosed with MRSA.

    00:16 Which factors contributed to the client's risk of acquiring the MRSA infection? Select all that apply. Okay. So putting this into my own words, I'm looking for the factors that contribute to a risk of someone acquiring MRSA.

    00:31 Okay. Bring on the answer choices. Well, looky there. We've got five.

    00:37 Make sure you use your scratch paper, write down one, two, three, four, and five.

    00:42 Pause the video and work through those answer choices, and then come back, and we'll walk through it together.

    00:58 Hey, welcome back. Okay. Let's take a look at number one.

    01:01 Now, the topic of this question was which factors contribute to the risk of acquiring MRSA? So they're trying to test us, see if we know what puts a patient more at risk for developing MRSA.

    01:14 So number one, living in a long-term care facility.

    01:19 So is that a risk factor for MRSA? What did you think? Yes, it definitely is a risk factor.

    01:27 So we're going to select number one, living in a long-term care facility usually indicates that you're kind of struggling, right? The health is not well.

    01:37 So that is why you're living in with multiple other people.

    01:41 You have staff going from room to room.

    01:44 So that is and considered a risk factor for MRSA.

    01:48 Now, number two, being 89 years of age. Is that an increased risk for MRSA? Yes, it is. Being elderly is one of the risk factors for developing MRSA.

    02:00 Remember, as we age, your immune system just isn't as strong and able to fight back as hard as it could when they were younger.

    02:08 So long-term care facility, they're also in a weakened state, surrounded by lots of people, 89, yup.

    02:15 Their immune system is weaker.

    02:17 Number three, having a diagnosis of cancer and receiving chemotherapy.

    02:23 Oh, chemotherapy is a significant immunosuppressant.

    02:28 So again, that's another risk factor.

    02:30 They're more likely to pick up MRSA if they have cancer and the chemotherapy that's now making them immunosuppressed.

    02:39 Number four, living near someone who has MRSA. Well, hey, that's contact.

    02:43 You can get MRSA from contact, right? Yeah.

    02:46 Not living near someone, you would actually have to have contact, physical contact with that person to be at risk for developing MRSA.

    02:55 So number four, nope. We're not going to select that one.

    02:59 Now, let's take a look at the last answer option.

    03:03 Having recent tumor resection surgery.

    03:06 Does that put them at an increased risk for developing MRSA? Actually, it does, right? Because this patient would've been hospitalized.

    03:15 They had surgery. So this is another risk factor for developing MRSA.

    03:20 So look back at your answer choices. How close were you? Did you get them all? Hey, take a victory lap, right? Celebrate what you got right, pay attention to the ones that you didn't select correctly.

    03:32 Either you left them in and they should have been knocked out like number four or you didn't select them. Think through why you chose the answers that you did.

    03:43 Was it a knowledge deficit? Did you just not know that was a risk factor? Then write yourself some quick notes in your notebook.

    03:50 So that would never trip you up again.

    03:52 Remember, you're never going to see the exact question again and again on the NCLEX.

    03:56 So you want to take the content from the question that you have stored in your long-term memory.

    04:02 That will help you answer other questions correctly.

    04:05 Remember, take your time, slow down, put the question, that stem of the question in your own words, and then treat each one of these as an individual question.

    04:15 Some people say even think of them as like, true/false or yes/no if they're answering the question that's being asked.

    04:23 All right. That's it. Good work. Now, you're ready for the next question.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Walkthrough: Reduction of Risk Potential Q2 – NCLEX-RN® by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course NCLEX-RN® Question Walkthrough: Reduction of Risk Potential.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Congregate living.
    2. Health care professionals visit multiple clients.
    3. Preexisting health conditions.
    4. Poor food quality.
    5. Social isolation.
    1. Write down the unfamiliar concept.
    2. Read the answer choice that you got incorrect multiple times.
    3. Take a deep breath and move on.
    4. Redo the question until it is answered correctly.

    Author of lecture Walkthrough: Reduction of Risk Potential Q2 – NCLEX-RN®

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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