
Walkthrough: Health Promotion and Maintenance Q9 – NCLEX-RN®

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:01 A parent of an adolescent client is discussing concerns about the current displayed behavior of the client.

    00:08 The parents states that the adolescence wants to spend time alone and has difficulty making friends.

    00:14 Which developmental statement will the nurse provide to the parent.

    00:19 Okay, let's take a look at what we have.

    00:23 There's a lot of words there, so let's take it one sentence at a time.

    00:27 Look at the first sentence. You've got a parent of an adolescent client, they're discussing concerns about the current displayed behavior of the client.

    00:37 We know that refers back to the adolescent.

    00:40 Okay, so parents talking to me about the behavior of their adolescent.

    00:44 The parents states that the adolescent wants to spend time alone and has difficulty making friends.

    00:52 So which developmental statement will the nurse provide to the parent? Okay, so the parent is asking about behavior which is wanting to spend time alone and having difficulty making friends.

    01:08 So I'm looking for which developmental statement will the nurse provide to the parent? Well, since this is pick the best answer, we're looking for the most appropriate.

    01:19 But look at that last sentence. Remember that's the one we focus on.

    01:23 What kind of statement is it asking? Developmental.

    01:29 Okay, so we're thinking about developmental, or thinking about things like Erikson's.

    01:33 So kinda run through your mind, remember what you know about Erickson stages.

    01:38 Now, I'm going to bring in the answer choices.

    01:40 There they are. Think about the client and think of what would be the most appropriate developmental statement to make to this parent. Use your answer sheet, number 1, 2, 3, and 4; as you eliminate answers cross them off, and say why, alright.

    02:01 Good luck with this question. Don't get discourage.

    02:04 Everyone struggles a little bit with the developmental stages, but I promise, you can do this.

    02:18 Okay, are you ready to walk through these? Now, again, if you felt frustrated with this question, just write yourself a note.

    02:24 If you couldn't remember the stages of Erickson's or if you haven't learn those yet, write yourself a note in your notebook to review those.

    02:33 So let's start with number 1.

    02:35 Allow the child to establish independence so that shame will not lead to slow self-esteem.

    02:42 Okay, so, is this developmental statement appropriate for an adolescent? Hmm, let's think about that. That sounds like autonomy versus shame and doubt, now that is a stage in Erickson's Theory of psychosocial development, but it's very early childhood, like remember ages 1-3. What age is our client? Adolescent, okay. So this would not be the most appropriate developmental statement to make to the parent of an adolescent.

    03:18 Let's look at option number 2. Providing more responsive and sensitive attention to the child's needs will foster a secure trust between you.

    03:29 Okay, let's think through that, through the lens of development stages.

    03:34 Trust versus mistrust is during infancy like age 1 month to 1 year.

    03:41 Would that be an appropriate developmental statement to make to the parent of an adolescent? No, it would not.

    03:50 Let's look at number 3. Supporting the child without pressure is best.

    03:55 While the child struggles in finding and figuring out their identity and roles.

    04:00 Okay, so supporting the child that sounds good; without pressure is best.

    04:04 While the child struggles in finding and figuring out their identity and role.

    04:10 Does that sound developmentally appropriate for an adolescent? Really is, I think that's the right answer because it's saying, in this stage, adolescence ages 13 to 19 years of age are in the stage of identify versus role confusion.

    04:29 That's why they're trying to figure out who they are and what their relationships are with their peers.

    04:34 This is an appropriate statement, so let's leave it in. But let's make sure it's the best statement.

    04:41 So we've crossed off number 1, we've crossed off number 2.

    04:44 For right now we're keeping in number 3. Now let's take a look at number 4, because what I don't want you to do is to get in the habit of picking what you think is the right answer, and stop reading the answer choices.

    04:57 Make yourself go all the way through the end just to be sure.

    05:02 You don't want to miss a question that you would have gotten right if you just took that final step.

    05:08 So number 4, determine if difficulty in school work or negative peer relationship is making the child feel inadequate. Okay, is that developmentally appropriate? Well, industry versus inferiority is the school age, right that's 6 to 12.

    05:27 This child is an adolescent because in the industry versus inferiority, the child will compare themselves to their peers in their school work, in their sports, in their family, in their social life, so if they have negative experiences in this phase, they may develop feelings of inadequacy.

    05:44 But this developmental stage is typically ages 6 to 12.

    05:50 So we did it! We did select the right answer.

    05:54 Number 3. Read it one more time just to make sure it makes sense.

    05:58 Supporting the child without pressure is best, while the child struggles in finding and figuring out their identify and role.

    06:06 You got it, that is the best answer.

    06:09 Okay, what if you didn't get it? What if you didn't get it right? Hey, the same strategy applies. I want you to pause the video and think through what was your process when you answered this question? Did you recognized that these were based in Erickson's stages? If you didn't, no worries. Just keep that in mind that development stages of Erickson's is kind of fair game for the NCLEX, and likely it's being taught in your nursing program.

    06:40 So, spend some time. We have videos on developmental stages in Erickson's theory.

    06:46 Spend some time reviewing those stages if they're not familiar to you.

    06:51 Now, if you're on the NCLEX and you see a question you're like, huh, I know this is Erickson's developmental stages but I can't remember.

    06:59 What I want you to do is not panic. That's the best advice I can give you, don't panic.

    07:08 Do your best and remind yourself, this is only one question, this is only one question.

    07:14 This is only one question. I'm going to do my best. I'm going to try to eliminated what I can, then I'm going to let this question go. That is absolutely my best advice.

    07:26 What happens when you a hit question, you feel like you hit a brick wall, you start talking negatively to yourself. Oh I know, it going to be like this.

    07:33 Oh, I'm not going to pass the test. I'm going to be the one.

    07:35 I'm going to be the one that doesn't pass, I'm going to - stop.

    07:38 If you can control your automatic negative thoughts while you're taking a test, I promise you your test scores will raise, because no one is performing it better.

    07:50 When those automatic negative thoughts ram into your brain and you let them take over.

    07:55 So don't do it, stay calm. It's only one question.

    08:01 I'm going to do my best, that's all I can do, then I'm on to the next question.

    08:06 Alright. So spend some time reflecting your experience with this question.

    08:10 Write yourself some notes and then join us for another question.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Walkthrough: Health Promotion and Maintenance Q9 – NCLEX-RN® by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course NCLEX-RN® Question Walkthrough: Health Promotion and Maintenance.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Ages 1–3
    2. Ages 0–1
    3. Ages 5–7
    4. Ages 14–19
    1. Infancy
    2. Ages 5–7
    3. Ages 3–5
    4. Ages 1–3
    1. Ages 13–19
    2. Ages 5–8
    3. Infancy
    4. Ages 9–13

    Author of lecture Walkthrough: Health Promotion and Maintenance Q9 – NCLEX-RN®

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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