
Testosterone: Functions (Nursing)

by Jasmine Clark, PhD

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    00:01 So what exactly does testosterone affect? First testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol and is transformed at certain target cells.

    00:13 There it is converted to DHT or dihydrotestosterone in the prostate, and also to estradiol in the brain neurons.

    00:24 It also prompts spermatogenesis and targets all accessory organs.

    00:30 These include the ducts, the glands, and also the penis, causing them to grow to adult size and adult function.

    00:41 The testosterone also has multiple anabolic effects throughout the body by targeting specific genes that will produce certain proteins and target cells.

    00:54 A deficiency in testosterone leads to atrophy of accessory organs.

    01:00 Also the semen volume will decline and erection and ejaculation are impaired.

    01:08 Usually this is treated by testosterone replacement.

    01:14 So testosterone also is going to affect male secondary sex characteristics.

    01:21 These features are induced in non-reproductive organs by testosterone.

    01:27 These include things like the appearance of: pubic, axillary and facial hair.

    01:34 Enhance growth of the chest hair, and the deepening of the male voice.

    01:39 The thickening of the skin and also the skin can sometimes become more oily, which usually predisposes a postpubescent male to acne and things like that.

    01:52 Also, the bones are going to grow in length and also increase in density.

    01:59 Skeletal muscle will increase in size and mass.

    02:04 Also, testosterone can lead to a boost in the basal metabolic rate or your metabolism.

    02:13 And also testosterone can be the basis of the sex drive or libido in males.

    02:21 So as we can see, testosterone masculinizes the embryonic brain and continues to exert that effect well into adulthood.

    02:32 And the testes are not the only place where testosterone is going to be produced.

    02:38 For example, it's also produced by the adrenal gland.

    02:43 But although the adrenal gland has the ability to produce androgens in small amounts, the production in the adrenal gland is not sufficient enough to maintain normal testosterone mediated functions.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Testosterone: Functions (Nursing) by Jasmine Clark, PhD is from the course Male Reproductive System – Physiology (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Muscle and bone growth, body hair growth, libido, and increased basal metabolic rate
    2. Body hair growth, blood pressure control, sweating, and acne
    3. Body odor, libido, liver enzyme management, and muscle and bone growth
    4. Libido, sweating, acne, and blood pressure control
    1. Accessory organs atrophy.
    2. Semen volume declines.
    3. Erection is impaired.
    4. Ejaculation is impaired.
    5. The skin thickens.

    Author of lecture Testosterone: Functions (Nursing)

     Jasmine Clark, PhD

    Jasmine Clark, PhD

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