
Synovial Joints: Types (Nursing)

by Jasmine Clark, PhD

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    00:02 So now we're going to segue into the different types of synovial joints that you have.

    00:08 There are several different subtypes of synovial joints.

    00:13 The first type of joint they will discuss is the plane joint.

    00:17 The plane joint can be found in areas of the body such as the wrist, and a lot of those carpal bones.

    00:24 This type of joint allows for the movement of back and forth as well as side to side at the joint.

    00:33 A second type of joint that we find in synovial joints is the hinge joint.

    00:39 An example of the hinge joint is going to be the elbow.

    00:43 Unlike the plain joint where it can move back and forth and side to side, the hinge joint only allows one direction of movement that is flexion and extension.

    00:57 The third type of joint is the pivot joint.

    01:00 In this joint we are able to do rotation or movement laterally or medially.

    01:07 A good example of this joint is the atlantoaxial joint in the spine.

    01:12 This allows us to shake our head yes and no.

    01:17 The fourth type of joint is going to be a condyloid joint.

    01:21 This joint is very similar to a ball and socket joint which we will discuss shortly, except instead of a round shape, it's more of an ovoid shape.

    01:31 You can find an example of this joint in the wrist.

    01:35 This allows movement both back and forth, side to side, as well as circumduction.

    01:43 The fifth type of joint that we'll discuss today is going to be the saddle joint.

    01:49 An example of this joint can be found at the thumb.

    01:53 This allows for both back and forth and side to side movement.

    01:58 The final joint that we will discuss today is going to be the ball and socket joint.

    02:03 This joint allows full rotation or full 360 degree movement at the joint.

    02:11 A good example of this joint is the hip joint.

    02:14 Another example of this would be the shoulder joint.

    02:19 There are several factors that affect the range of motion at the different types of synovial joints.

    02:24 First, the structure and the shape of the articulating bones determine the range of movement.

    02:31 Secondly, the strength and the tautness of the joint ligaments that hold the joint together also can affect the range of motion.

    02:41 Third, the arrangement as well as the tension of the muscles on the joint can also affect.

    02:49 Lastly, contact of soft parts, hormones, as well as disuse or overuse can have an effect on the range of motion at the synovial joints.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Synovial Joints: Types (Nursing) by Jasmine Clark, PhD is from the course Musculoskeletal System – Physiology (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Rotation
    2. Abduction
    3. Flexion
    4. Depression
    1. Structure and shape of articulation bones
    2. Contact of the soft parts
    3. Strength and tautness of joint ligaments
    4. Arrangement and tension of the muscles
    5. Amount of synovial fluid

    Author of lecture Synovial Joints: Types (Nursing)

     Jasmine Clark, PhD

    Jasmine Clark, PhD

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