Pericardium and Pericardial Cavity – Heart (Cor) by Craig Canby, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Pericardium and Pericardial Cavity – Heart (Cor) by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Thoracic Viscera with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Shiny
  2. Transparent
  3. Difficult to visualize
  4. Striated
  5. Matted
  1. Visceral pericardium
  2. Fibrous pericardium
  3. Parietal pericardium
  4. Pericardial cavity
  5. Serous pericardial layer
  1. The visceral and parietal pericardium
  2. The cardiac muscle and the parietal pericardium
  3. The cardiac muscle and the visceral pericardium
  4. The ventricles and the semilunar valves
  1. Pericardial cavity
  2. External to fibrous pericardium
  3. Between the fibrous pericardium and the parietal pericardium
  4. Between the epicardium and the heart

Author of lecture Pericardium and Pericardial Cavity – Heart (Cor)

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

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Fast Engaging Speech Rate A+ !
By Karl E. on 09. August 2023 for Pericardium and Pericardial Cavity – Heart (Cor)

Great Rate of Speech = Fast and Engaging! Clear Expression of Ideas!

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