
Osteon (Nursing)

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:01 Now, we're going to break down a single osteon.

    00:04 So that's what we have here.

    00:06 So we're gonna take a really close up look at a single osteon.

    00:11 Now, before I go on, I want you to picture.

    00:13 Remember the graphic and the drawing that showed the multiple osteons? Good deal. Because I want you oriented before we go on.

    00:21 Now, look at dead center, what do we have there? Right. There's your vessels.

    00:27 Those are carrying blood and fluids. Good deal.

    00:30 Let's get close and personal with this.

    00:33 Now, we're showing you another image just to remind you, Why are we using repetition? Because that matters.

    00:40 Every time you think in your brain and try to picture it yourself, now we're showing it to you here just to remind you, it's gonna stick a lot better, because we really think at Lecturio, studying as you go is the way to go.

    00:54 We don't want to just give you information.

    00:56 We want to help you learn. That's what we're here for.

    00:59 So, here's our single osteon.

    01:02 I want you to look on the outside.

    01:04 Notice, we have a lot of blue cells.

    01:06 And then one kind of maroon reddish color cell.

    01:09 Well, the reddish color cell, the bigger one with kind of like almost looks like tentacles going out, that's a type of cell called an osteoclast.

    01:19 So this whole thing together is an osteon.

    01:22 But that kind of big reddish cell, that's called an osteoclast.

    01:27 Now, the blue ones that you see all the other way around, those are osteoblasts.

    01:33 Okay, so the outside of an osteon has osteoclast and osteo blasts.

    01:38 Good deal. Now, let's go a little in the next inner circle.

    01:43 Those are called osteocytes. So see those there? Those are inner circle. Those are osteocytes.

    01:50 Now, what four letters do each of these, actually five letters, to each of these features have in common? It's osteo, right? O-S-T-E-O.

    02:03 That tells us we're dealing with bone.

    02:06 So osteo-clast, osteo-blast, osteo-cyte.

    02:10 Those are three key important cells.

    02:13 I want to make sure that you're familiar with, and you know the difference in their form and function.

    02:17 Now, you'll see that we have the lamellae and we've talked about that before how in spongy bone it's kind of right interlaced and compact bone? It's very dense. That's important for you to know.

    02:29 Now, let's zero in on, right to the central canal. Got it? Now, we've got structures in there. What do we have? Artery. Vein.

    02:40 You got nerve and lymphatic vessels right deep in the center of the osteon.

    02:47 You know, if you look at your body, this kind of seems to be a common theme.

    02:50 Think about what you know about your liver, about the units in your kidneys, this is pretty cool how you see the similarities.

    02:57 So right dead in the center in the central canal of a single osteon, you have arteries, veins, nerves, and lymph vessels or lymphatic vessels.

    03:08 Okay, you're with us. Good deal.

    03:11 Now, let's take a look at these cells again.

    03:13 What are the three most important cells I wanted you to remember when it comes to bone structure? Perfect, there on your screen now.

    03:23 These are three special types of cells that are found only in the bone.

    03:28 They all start with osteo because that's the Greek word for bone.

    03:33 So you have osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes.

    03:39 Yeah, we went ahead and put those in order for you by their letters.

    03:43 But just think about osteoblasts.

    03:45 Look, we made them blue for you. That's cool.

    03:48 Osteoclast are there, and the osteocytes are in the center.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Osteon (Nursing) by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course Bone Growth across the Lifespan (Nursing).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Osteocytes
    2. Osteoclasts
    3. Osteoblasts
    4. Lymphatic vessels
    1. Nerve
    2. Vein
    3. Lymphatic vessel
    4. Osteocytes
    5. Osteoclasts

    Author of lecture Osteon (Nursing)

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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