In Situ View – Heart (Cor) by Craig Canby, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture In Situ View – Heart (Cor) by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Thoracic Viscera with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. It moves up and down.
  2. It rotates.
  3. It stays stationary.
  4. It moves mesiodistally.
  5. It moves superficially.

Author of lecture In Situ View – Heart (Cor)

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

Customer reviews

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He was very enthusiastic!
By Alphonsa u. on 22. January 2023 for In Situ View – Heart (Cor)

He was very enthusiastic. Lecture clear and concise. Very good.

During respiration
By Alexandra J. on 15. October 2017 for In Situ View – Heart (Cor)

I was going to give it a five stars but in the lecture you said during respiration the heart moves down and up but in the quiz the right answer was up and down..

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