Ideal Gas Law: Example by Jared Rovny, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Ideal Gas Law: Example by Jared Rovny, PhD is from the course Gas Phase.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. 1.2 g/L
  2. 1.3 g/L
  3. 0.6 g/L
  4. 1.4 g/L
  5. 0.9 g/L
  1. PV/T (since the right-hand side will be a constant if we solve the equation PV = nRT ➞ PV/T= nR)
  2. PVT
  3. PT/V
  4. VT/P
  5. PTV
  1. 5.5 g/L
  2. 2.5 g/L
  3. 3.3 g/L
  4. 1.2 g/L
  5. 4.5 g/L

Author of lecture Ideal Gas Law: Example

 Jared Rovny, PhD

Jared Rovny, PhD

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