
How to Follow Up from an Interview (Nursing)

by Amber Vanderburg

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    00:01 Carol had a nice interview with her recruiter named Vicki.

    00:05 At the end of the interview, Carol was even more excited about the position and hoped for the opportunity to work with the health care system.

    00:14 She wondered what she could do to reiterate her interest in the position.

    00:20 When you are interviewing for your position, you should consider a follow up communication to the interviewer.

    00:29 First, after the interview, you should consider a short thank you note to be sent 24 to 48 hours after your interview.

    00:39 This could be via email, but is more powerful if delivered as a note.

    00:46 In your thank you note, write a brief message that could mention one or two things that you learned about the organization and reiterate your enthusiasm for the opportunity to work there.

    01:00 This is not the time to add additional information you forgot in the interview or ask additional questions.

    01:08 It is meant only to express your excitement at the opportunity.

    01:14 Carol's message to Vicki could sound like this.

    01:17 Dear Vicki, Thank you for your time yesterday.

    01:20 And the opportunity to discuss a future career in the med-surg unit.

    01:26 I particularly enjoyed learning about your orientation program and continuous training for new employees.

    01:34 I look forward to hearing from you.

    01:36 Thank you, Carol.

    01:38 Consider this format in your initial follow up.

    01:43 In the course of your interview, you should also ask and clarify an expected follow up date.

    01:50 Perhaps the recruiter has interviewed for the position over the next 10 days and is expecting to make a decision at the end of two weeks.

    02:01 What should you do if two weeks comes and goes? First, take a breath.

    02:10 Healthcare recruiters can become very overwhelmed and fall behind.

    02:15 They might be delayed for a number of reasons.

    02:19 So, give them a few days of grace period.

    02:23 If they do not respond a week after the agreed upon follow up date, then send a follow up message similar to the initial thank you note with a few more details.

    02:37 Carol might write a note that sounds like this.

    02:41 Dear Vicki, I wanted to follow up on my interview on Monday, December 9, for the med-surg RN night shift position.

    02:50 I was wondering if you had an update about the position.

    02:54 I enjoyed getting to know more about Burnett Hospital in our discussion, and was especially impressed by the commitment to continuous training and development.

    03:06 I believe that my growth mindset could be a good fit for the organization.

    03:12 Please let me know if there's any additional information I can provide.

    03:17 I am excited about the opportunity to work with Burnett Hospital.

    03:22 Thank you, Carol.

    03:25 An exception to the timing of sending this follow up message could be if there is a major change in your status.

    03:35 If you have been offered another position, have passed boards, have achieved a significant job related award.

    03:42 Then, you could also send a follow up message updating the recruiter on your status change.

    03:50 Lastly, if you are not selected for a job, then you can send a short follow up message thanking the recruiter for the opportunity and ask if they can share any information to improve.

    04:03 Keep in mind, some recruiters may not take the time or be allowed to share such information.

    04:10 If you do not get a response, then consider the conversation closed.

    04:15 A follow up to a rejection message may sound something like this.

    04:20 Dear Vicki, I want to thank you for the consideration to join the med-surg team at Burnett Hospital.

    04:27 As I continue my job search, would you have any feedback on my interview or application process as a whole to improve for the future? Thank you, Carol.

    04:39 These are quick notes that should take five to 10 minutes to complete and are a powerful way to stand out in your interview process.

    04:50 Those simple a strikingly low number of applicants send follow up notes.

    04:56 So, here's what I want you to do.

    04:59 Stand out with two simple words. Thank you.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture How to Follow Up from an Interview (Nursing) by Amber Vanderburg is from the course Transition to Nursing Practice.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Sending a “Thank You” note.
    2. Sending a bouquet of flowers.
    3. Writing a positive review of the organization online.
    4. Calling the interviewer.
    1. Wait a week, and then send a follow-up message.
    2. Send a follow-up message.
    3. Send a “Thank You” note.
    4. Call the organization and ask about the delay.
    1. Sending a message to the employer thanking them and asking for feedback on the interview.
    2. Calling the employer and asking why they were not the successful candidate.
    3. Posting about their experience on the organization’s social media page.
    4. Sending a bouquet of flowers to the employer.

    Author of lecture How to Follow Up from an Interview (Nursing)

     Amber Vanderburg

    Amber Vanderburg

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