Heat Capacity: Example by Jared Rovny, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Heat Capacity: Example by Jared Rovny, PhD is from the course Gas Phase.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. 300 J
  2. 200 J
  3. 250 J
  4. 100 J
  5. 400 J
  1. 10,450 J
  2. 104.5 J
  3. 10.45 J
  4. 1,045J
  5. 2,050J
  1. 22° C
  2. 15° C
  3. 20° C
  4. 3° C
  5. 5° C
  1. 0.18 cal / (gK)
  2. 0.36 cal / (gK)
  3. 0.25 cal / (gK)
  4. 0.80 cal / (gK)
  5. 0.66 cal / (gK)

Author of lecture Heat Capacity: Example

 Jared Rovny, PhD

Jared Rovny, PhD

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