
Contents of the Inguinal Canal

by James Pickering, PhD

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    00:01 So now let's move on and have a look at the contents of the inguinal canal and what is actually situated within it.

    00:07 Now, as I've alluded to previously, the male and female, the inguinal canals are very different.

    00:12 And this is partly due to the embryological difference between the biologically male and the biologically female sexes.

    00:19 In the female, we really just have a continuation of embryological development around the uterus that sends a ligament the round ligament of the uterus through this space Within the biological male is a much more substantial structure, and that is the spermatic cord, partly due to the gonads in the male being outside the body cavity.

    00:39 The gonads in the female, the ovaries, are retained within the pelvis.

    00:44 But because of the migration of the male gonads out of the body, this forms a much more substantial inguinal region in the male, and we have the spermatic cord.

    00:54 The superficial and the deep inguinal ring, the inguinal canal is therefore much more substantial.

    01:00 So let's have a look. And let's focus on the male inguinal canal.

    01:04 So what we're looking at in this diagram is a window into that canal.

    01:08 Both external oblique and internal oblique muscles have been opened up to reveal the inguinal canal.

    01:15 You can just see parts of transverse abdominis at the top above the spermatic cord running transversely across.

    01:22 So here we see in green, that ilioinguinal nerve within the inguinal canal but not in the spermatic cord.

    01:30 What we can see here in green is the genital branch of the genital femoral nerve.

    01:35 We've left the ilioinguinal nerve in yellow here to show that it's outside the spermatic cord.

    01:40 But now within the sheath that is formed by the various layers, the spermatic cord is formed by.

    01:47 We can see we have the genital branch of the genital femoral nerve.

    01:50 And here we can see indicated as the spermatic cord.

    01:54 See how the yellow genital femoral branch is deep to that green ring indicating it is within the spermatic cord.

    02:03 We also finally have the ductus or the vas deferens within the spermatic cord as well.

    02:07 We have the artery of ductus deferens.

    02:09 So the ductus deferens has a specific artery that goes towards it. We have the pampiniform plexus.

    02:14 This is a venous plexus to help drain blood away from this region.

    02:18 And we also have the testicular artery, taking blood to the testes.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Contents of the Inguinal Canal by James Pickering, PhD is from the course Anterolateral Abdominal Wall.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Iliohypogastric nerve
    2. Blood vessels
    3. Lymphatics
    4. Spermatic cord
    5. Genitofemoral nerve
    1. Men have larger superficial inguinal rings.
    2. Men have increased intra-abdominal pressure.
    3. Men have weaker abdominal muscles.
    4. The inguinal canal is shorter in men.

    Author of lecture Contents of the Inguinal Canal

     James Pickering, PhD

    James Pickering, PhD

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