
Classification of Spinal Cord Injuries (Nursing)

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:01 Hi. Welcome to our video series on neurological disorders.

    00:04 Now in this one, we're gonna look at spinal cord injuries but really zero in on traumatic injuries and how we classify those.

    00:11 Okay. Let's start with the fun question.

    00:14 What are the three parts of a natural brace in the vertebral column? Okay. Pause the video, see if you can think what you can come up with and then come back and join us again.

    00:25 Okay. The answer is, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

    00:31 Those are the three things that give us that protection because they make a natural brace in the vertebral column.

    00:38 See, ligaments help the joints stay stable during rest and movement.

    00:43 They also help prevent injuries from hyperextension and hyperflexion.

    00:47 Note that is excessive movements. That's when we start getting into spinal cord problems.

    00:53 That's what we're talking about right now; the injury from trauma.

    00:57 So you need ligaments, tendons and muscles to help us create that natural brace to protect the spinal cord.

    01:04 Now, the ligaments are strong, these fibrous bands and they hold the vertebra together.

    01:09 They help stabilize the spine and protect the discs.

    01:12 Now the three major ligaments of the spine are known as the ligamentum flavum, the interior longitudinal ligament, we usually shorten that to ALL, and the posterior longitudinal ligament. So you've got three major ligaments in the spine.

    01:29 Remember, they're tough, they're fibrous, help give us balance and keep that altogether.

    01:33 The ligamentum flavum, the anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL), and the posterior longitudinal ligament.

    01:41 Okay. So how do we classify these spinal cord injuries? Well, we do it by the mechanism of injury, the level of injury and the degree of injury.

    01:52 Those are the three criteria; the mechanism of injury, the level of injury and the degree of injury.

    02:00 So, the classification of the injury helps us kind of identify the impact of the spinal cord injury and helps us plan nursing and supportive care that the patient is going to need.

    02:11 So we look at, how it happened, where it happened and how bad it was.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Classification of Spinal Cord Injuries (Nursing) by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course Spinal Cord Injuries and Syndromes (Nursing) .

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Mechanism of injury
    2. Level of injury
    3. Degree of injury
    4. Time of injury
    5. Margin of injury

    Author of lecture Classification of Spinal Cord Injuries (Nursing)

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    Great lecture.
    By Susantha A M. on 20. November 2020 for Classification of Spinal Cord Injuries (Nursing)

    The lecture was clear and simple, and quite easy to understand. I especially liked when the lecturer posed the question and gave us the option of pausing the video to think and answer it. It made the class interactive and stimulated active learning.