Cardiac Conduction System – Heart (Cor) by Craig Canby, PhD

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About the Lecture

The lecture Cardiac Conduction System – Heart (Cor) by Craig Canby, PhD is from the course Thoracic Viscera with Dr. Canby.

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Sinoatrial node
  2. Atrioventricular node
  3. Right AV bundle
  4. Left AV bundle
  5. Purkinje fibers
  1. 60–100 times a minute
  2. 40–50 times a minute
  3. 50–60 times a minute
  4. 90–110 times a minute
  5. 120-150 times a minute
  1. SA node, atria, AV node
  2. AV node, ventricles, bundle of His
  3. SA node, bundle of His, AV node
  4. Atria, SA node, AV node
  5. Ventricles, atria, SA node
  1. Atrial fibrillation
  2. Hypertension
  3. Deep venous thrombosis
  4. Pulmonary embolism
  5. Myocardial infarction
  1. Anterior interventricular artery (left anterior descending)
  2. Left coronary artery
  3. Right coronary artery
  4. Posterior interventricular artery

Author of lecture Cardiac Conduction System – Heart (Cor)

 Craig Canby, PhD

Craig Canby, PhD

Customer reviews

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Review from First Year Med Student
By Christopher C. on 23. June 2020 for Cardiac Conduction System – Heart (Cor)

Concise and aimed explanation contributes to an interactive lecture which makes learning enjoyable.

Lecture is precise. MCQ section is very helpful.
By Nusrat N. on 31. October 2018 for Cardiac Conduction System – Heart (Cor)

I liked the whole Cardiac Conduction System. Thank you Professor for the lecture. Really helpful and easy to follow.

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