
Adductor Canal and Pes Anserinus

by James Pickering, PhD

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    00:01 Now let's have a look at the adductor canal.

    00:03 We've spoken about the adductor canal a few times, and this is adductor canal is an important continuation of the apex of the femoral triangle.

    00:12 It importantly has an anterior wall which is known as sartorius.

    00:16 It has a lateral wall where vastus medialis has a contribution.

    00:20 And here we can see the femoral artery and the femoral vein passing down from the apex of the femoral triangle into the adductor canal.

    00:29 They're running superficial to adductor longus.

    00:32 And here, we can see them running through adductor Magnus.

    00:34 through adductor Magnus.

    00:35 That's hiatus created and this adductor longus and adductor Magnus from the postural medial wall of this canal.

    00:44 The contents of the adductor canal, we can see here, as the femoral artery and vein.

    00:49 And once again, we can now appreciate the abductor hiatus formed from the hamstring and the abductor portion of that muscle.

    00:56 This allows these blood vessels to pass from the anterior aspect of the thigh into the posterior aspect, and then the popliteal fossa, which we can see previously.

    01:06 This is an important transition point because although these arteries and veins stayed as the same blood vessels, they change their name.

    01:14 So as they leave the femoral aspects of the thigh where the femur is located, the femoral artery and vein, they enter the popliteal fossa, they assume a different name as the popliteal artery and vein.

    01:27 Now let's turn to the Pes Anserinus.

    01:29 The Pes Anserinus is an important collection of tendons that are approaching the medial aspect of the tibia.

    01:38 So here we can see, it's formed by the tendons of sartorius, the tendons of gracilis and the tendons of semi tendinosis.

    01:47 And these three tendons, they run on the medial aspects of the tibia, and the known as the Pes Anserinus.

    01:54 These are really important.

    01:56 On the lateral aspect, you had the iliotibial tract, the direct continuation of the tensor fascia lata muscle.

    02:04 That helps to stabilize the knee laterally.

    02:07 The combination of these three tendons sartorius, gracilis, semi tendinosis helps to stabilize the knee medially.

    02:14 Together they're known as the pes anserinus.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Adductor Canal and Pes Anserinus by James Pickering, PhD is from the course Anatomy of the Thigh.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Semimembranosus, tendon
    2. Sartorius, tendon
    3. Gracilis, tendon
    4. Semitendinosus, tendon
    1. Vastus medialis
    2. Sartorius
    3. Adductor longus
    4. Adductor magnus
    5. Gluteus maximus

    Author of lecture Adductor Canal and Pes Anserinus

     James Pickering, PhD

    James Pickering, PhD

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