Wellness of your Organization and Employees by Gary Mertz

About the Lecture

The lecture Wellness of your Organization and Employees by Gary Mertz is from the course 5 Behaviors of Healthy People. It contains the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Survival = Health
  • A Culture of Health and Wellness
  • Obesity Trends in the USA
  • Future Trends

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Become aware of your own health condition
  2. Buying a book on exercise, fitness or nutrition
  3. Buy an exercise DVD
  4. Join a gym and start working-out
  1. To ensure our survival
  2. To process emotions
  3. To think and learn
  4. To control our bodily functions and organs
  1. All of them
  2. Health Risk Assessment, HRA
  3. Biometric health screening/physical
  4. Health information/educational programs

Author of lecture Wellness of your Organization and Employees

 Gary Mertz

Gary Mertz

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Quiz Overview
Chapters of this lecture