Seven Tools for Effective Leaders by Sobair Barak

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About the Lecture

The lecture Seven Tools for Effective Leaders by Sobair Barak is from the course Manager Mind: Mastering Management in Practice (EN).

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Principles of effective leadership
  2. Tasks of effective leadership
  3. Tools of effective leadership
  4. Design of effective leadership
  1. Result orientation
  2. Create a trusting environment
  3. Think positive and solution-oriented
  4. Reduce your own effort
  5. Focus on the weaknesses of your team
  1. Define goals
  2. Decide
  3. Control
  4. Avoid
  5. Demonstrate power
  1. The meeting
  2. Job design and assignment control
  3. Performance appraisal
  4. Systematic garbage disposal
  5. Company internal politics
  1. Operating budget
  2. Innovation budget
  3. Competition budget
  4. Development Budget
  1. What should we part with?
  2. What shouldn't we do anymore?
  3. What would we not start over again?
  4. Who should we not involve anymore?
  1. First efficiency and then effectiveness.
  2. First effectiveness and then efficiency.

Author of lecture Seven Tools for Effective Leaders

 Sobair Barak

Sobair Barak

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