External Analysis: SWOT Analysis and Conclusion by Sobair Barak

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About the Lecture

The lecture External Analysis: SWOT Analysis and Conclusion by Sobair Barak is from the course Manager Mind: Mastering Management in Practice (EN).

Included Quiz Questions

  1. Value chain
  2. Profit equation
  3. ABC analysis
  4. Porter's 5 Forces / Industry Structure Analysis
  5. Benchmark analysis
  1. Identify cause of low customer satisfaction
  2. Product line causes too many complaints
  3. Build an organizational structure
  4. Resource planning
  5. Uncovering potential savings
  1. A process should be determined for how to handle customer complaints.
  2. A new service is to be introduced, the process of which is to be defined.
  3. The internal processes are documented as part of a quality management system.
  4. A business case should be calculated when a company wants to enter a new business field.
  5. A new technology is discovered and the effects are to be analyzed.
  1. Start, Stop
  2. Processing, activity
  3. Decision
  4. Break
  5. Repeat
  1. It is the point, where the turnover equation and total cost equations cross.
  2. It is the point, where the total cost equation and the fixed cost equation cross.
  3. It is the point, where the turnover equation and the fixed cost equation cross.
  4. It is the point, where the turnover equation and profit equation cross.
  1. 80% of the results are achieved with 20% of the total effort
  2. The remaining 20% of the results require 80% of the total effort
  3. 80 % of the results are achieved with 100 % of the total effort
  4. The remaining 80% of the results require 10% of the total effort
  1. Method
  2. Man
  3. Environment
  4. Margin
  5. Minimum requirements
  1. Industry rivalry
  2. Suppliers and Customers
  3. Potential new competitors
  4. Substitute products
  5. Processes
  1. High entry barriers for new competitors
  2. Low entry barriers for your own company
  3. Low bargaining power of suppliers and customers
  4. Many substitution products
  5. Fierce competition steadily reducing margins in the industry
  1. Benchmark object
  2. Benchmark team
  3. KPIs
  4. Legal requirements
  1. Introduction
  2. Growth
  3. Maturity
  4. Research
  5. Execution
  1. Introduce next product generation
  2. Enter new markets / industries
  3. Product enhancement
  4. Enforce price increase
  5. Reduce marketing costs
  1. Strength
  2. Weaknesses
  3. Opportunities
  4. Threats

Author of lecture External Analysis: SWOT Analysis and Conclusion

 Sobair Barak

Sobair Barak

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